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import { colors } from "$fresh/src/server/deps.ts";import { assertEquals, delay, DOMParser, HTMLElement, HTMLMetaElement, Page, puppeteer, TextLineStream,} from "./deps.ts";
export function parseHtml(input: string) { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(input, "text/html");}
export async function startFreshServer(options: Deno.CommandOptions) { const { serverProcess, lines, address, output } = await spawnServer(options);
if (!address) { throw new Error("Server didn't start up"); }
return { serverProcess, lines, address, output };}
export async function fetchHtml(url: string) { const res = await fetch(url); const html = await res.text(); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html") as any as Document;}
export function assertSelector(doc: Document, selector: string) { if (doc.querySelector(selector) === null) { const html = prettyDom(doc); throw new Error( `Selector "${selector}" not found in document.\n\n${html}`, ); }}
export function assertNotSelector(doc: Document, selector: string) { if (doc.querySelector(selector) !== null) { const html = prettyDom(doc); throw new Error( `Selector "${selector}" found in document.\n\n${html}`, ); }}
export function assertTextMany( doc: Document, selector: string, expected: string[],) { const texts = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll(selector)).map((el) => el.textContent );
try { assertEquals(texts, expected); } catch (err) { const html = "\n\n" + prettyDom(doc); throw new err.constructor(err.message += html, { cause: err }); }}
export const VOID_ELEMENTS = /^(?:area|base|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param|source|track|wbr)$/;function prettyDom(doc: Document) { let out = colors.dim(`<!DOCTYPE ${doc.doctype?.name ?? ""}>\n`); console.log(out);
const node = doc.documentElement; out += _printDomNode(node, 0);
return out;}
function _printDomNode( node: HTMLElement | Text | Node, indent: number,) { const space = " ".repeat(indent);
if (node.nodeType === 3) { return space + colors.dim(node.textContent ?? "") + "\n"; }
let out = space; if (node instanceof HTMLElement || node instanceof HTMLMetaElement) { out += colors.dim(colors.cyan("<")); out += colors.cyan(node.localName);
for (let i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { const attr = node.attributes.item(i); if (attr === null) continue; out += " " + colors.yellow(; out += colors.dim("="); out +=`"${attr.value}"`); }
if (VOID_ELEMENTS.test(node.localName)) { out += colors.dim(colors.cyan(">")) + "\n"; return out; }
out += colors.dim(colors.cyan(">")); if (node.childNodes.length) { out += "\n";
for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { const child = node.childNodes[i]; out += _printDomNode(child, indent + 1); }
out += space; }
out += colors.dim(colors.cyan("</")); out += colors.cyan(node.localName); out += colors.dim(colors.cyan(">")); out += "\n"; }
return out;}
export async function withFresh( name: string, fn: (address: string) => Promise<void>,) { const { lines, serverProcess, address } = await startFreshServer({ args: ["run", "-A", name], });
try { await fn(address); } finally { await lines.cancel();
// Wait until the process exits await serverProcess.status; }}
export async function withPageName( name: string, fn: (page: Page, address: string) => Promise<void>,) { const { lines, serverProcess, address } = await startFreshServer({ args: ["run", "-A", name], });
try { await delay(100); const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ["--no-sandbox"] });
try { const page = await browser.newPage(); await fn(page, address); } finally { await browser.close(); } } finally { await lines.cancel();
// Wait until the process exits await serverProcess.status; }}
export async function startFreshServerExpectErrors( options: Deno.CommandOptions,) { const { serverProcess, address } = await spawnServer(options, true);
if (address) { throw Error("Server started correctly"); }
const errorDecoder = new TextDecoderStream(); const errorLines: ReadableStream<string> = serverProcess.stderr .pipeThrough(errorDecoder) .pipeThrough(new TextLineStream(), { preventCancel: true, }); let output = ""; for await (const line of errorLines) { output += line + "\n"; } return output;}
/** * Click on an element once it has an attached click listener */export async function clickWhenListenerReady(page: Page, selector: string) { await page.waitForSelector(selector); await page.waitForFunction( (sel) => { const el = document.querySelector(sel)!;
// Wait for Preact to have attached either a captured or non-captured // click event // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const preactListener = (el as any).l as Record<string, unknown> | null; if ( !preactListener || typeof preactListener !== "object" || (!preactListener.clickfalse && !preactListener.clicktrue) ) { return false; }
return true; }, {}, selector, ); await;}
export async function waitForText( page: Page, selector: string, text: string,) { await page.waitForSelector(selector); await page.waitForFunction( (sel, value) => { return document.querySelector(sel)!.textContent === value; }, { timeout: 2000 }, selector, String(text), );}
async function spawnServer( options: Deno.CommandOptions, expectErrors = false,) { const serverProcess = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { ...options, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: expectErrors ? "piped" : "inherit", }).spawn();
const decoder = new TextDecoderStream(); const lines: ReadableStream<string> = serverProcess.stdout .pipeThrough(decoder) .pipeThrough(new TextLineStream(), { preventCancel: true, });
const output: string[] = []; let address = ""; for await (const line of lines) { output.push(line); const match = line.match(/https?:\/\/localhost:\d+/g); if (match) { address = match[0]; break; } }
return { serverProcess, lines, address, output };}