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import { VNode } from "preact";import { BUILD_ID } from "./build_id.ts";
export const INTERNAL_PREFIX = "/_frsh";export const ASSET_CACHE_BUST_KEY = "__frsh_c";
export const IS_BROWSER = typeof document !== "undefined";
/** * Create a "locked" asset path. This differs from a plain path in that it is * specific to the current version of the application, and as such can be safely * served with a very long cache lifetime (1 year). */export function asset(path: string): string { if (!path.startsWith("/") || path.startsWith("//")) return path; try { const url = new URL(path, "https://freshassetcache.local"); if ( url.protocol !== "https:" || !== "freshassetcache.local" || url.searchParams.has(ASSET_CACHE_BUST_KEY) ) { return path; } url.searchParams.set(ASSET_CACHE_BUST_KEY, BUILD_ID); return url.pathname + + url.hash; } catch (err) { console.warn( `Failed to create asset() URL, falling back to regular path ('${path}'):`, err, ); return path; }}
/** Apply the `asset` function to urls in a `srcset` attribute. */export function assetSrcSet(srcset: string): string { if (srcset.includes("(")) return srcset; // Bail if the srcset contains complicated syntax. const parts = srcset.split(","); const constructed = []; for (const part of parts) { const trimmed = part.trimStart(); const leadingWhitespace = part.length - trimmed.length; if (trimmed === "") return srcset; // Bail if the srcset is malformed. let urlEnd = trimmed.indexOf(" "); if (urlEnd === -1) urlEnd = trimmed.length; const leading = part.substring(0, leadingWhitespace); const url = trimmed.substring(0, urlEnd); const trailing = trimmed.substring(urlEnd); constructed.push(leading + asset(url) + trailing); } return constructed.join(",");}
export function assetHashingHook( vnode: VNode<{ src?: string; srcset?: string; ["data-fresh-disable-lock"]?: boolean; }>,) { if (vnode.type === "img" || vnode.type === "source") { const { props } = vnode; if (props["data-fresh-disable-lock"]) return; if (typeof props.src === "string") { props.src = asset(props.src); } if (typeof props.srcset === "string") { props.srcset = assetSrcSet(props.srcset); } }}