import { consume } from "";
Used for static HTML processing (usually to provide SSR support for your javascript-powered web apps)
Note: Consider using inline or extract instead.
- parse the markup and process element classes with the provided Twind instance
- update the class attributes if necessary
- return the HTML string with the final element classes
import { consume, stringify, tw } from '@twind/core'
function render() {
const html = renderApp()
// remember global classes
const restore = tw.snapshot()
// generated markup
const markup = consume(html)
// create CSS
const css = stringify(
// restore global classes
// inject as last element into the head
return markup.replace('</head>', `<style data-twind>${css}</style></head>`)
You can provide your own Twind instance:
import { consume, stringify } from '@twind/core'
import { tw } from './custom/twind/instance'
function render() {
const html = renderApp()
// remember global classes
const restore = snapshot(
// generated markup
const markup = consume(html)
// restore global classes
// create CSS
const css = stringify(
// inject as last element into the head
return markup.replace('</head>', `<style data-twind>${css}</style></head>`)
a Twind instance