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The next-gen web framework.
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import { greaterOrEqual, join, relative, semverParse, walk, WalkEntry,} from "./deps.ts";export { generate, type Manifest } from "./manifest.ts";import { generate, type Manifest } from "./manifest.ts";import { error } from "./error.ts";const MIN_DENO_VERSION = "1.31.0";const TEST_FILE_PATTERN = /[._]test\.(?:[tj]sx?|[mc][tj]s)$/;
export function ensureMinDenoVersion() { // Check that the minimum supported Deno version is being used. if ( !greaterOrEqual( semverParse(Deno.version.deno), semverParse(MIN_DENO_VERSION), ) ) { let message = `Deno version ${MIN_DENO_VERSION} or higher is required. Please update Deno.\n\n`;
if (Deno.execPath().includes("homebrew")) { message += "You seem to have installed Deno via homebrew. To update, run: `brew upgrade deno`\n"; } else { message += "To update, run: `deno upgrade`\n"; }
error(message); }}
async function collectDir( dir: string, callback: (entry: WalkEntry, dir: string) => void, ignoreFilePattern = TEST_FILE_PATTERN,): Promise<void> { // Check if provided path is a directory try { const stat = await Deno.stat(dir); if (!stat.isDirectory) return; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) return; throw err; }
const routesFolder = walk(dir, { includeDirs: false, includeFiles: true, exts: ["tsx", "jsx", "ts", "js"], skip: [ignoreFilePattern], });
for await (const entry of routesFolder) { callback(entry, dir); }}
const GROUP_REG = /[/\\\\]\((_[^/\\\\]+)\)[/\\\\]/;export async function collect( directory: string, ignoreFilePattern?: RegExp,): Promise<Manifest> { const filePaths = new Set<string>();
const routes: string[] = []; const islands: string[] = []; await Promise.all([ collectDir(join(directory, "./routes"), (entry, dir) => { const rel = join("routes", relative(dir, entry.path)); const normalized = rel.slice(0, rel.lastIndexOf("."));
// A `(_islands)` path segment is a local island folder. // Any route path segment wrapped in `(_...)` is ignored // during route collection. const match = normalized.match(GROUP_REG); if (match && match[1].startsWith("_")) { if (match[1] === "_islands") { islands.push(rel); } return; }
if (filePaths.has(normalized)) { throw new Error( `Route conflict detected. Multiple files have the same name: ${dir}${normalized}`, ); } filePaths.add(normalized); routes.push(rel); }, ignoreFilePattern), collectDir(join(directory, "./islands"), (entry, dir) => { const rel = join("islands", relative(dir, entry.path)); islands.push(rel); }, ignoreFilePattern), ]);
routes.sort(); islands.sort();
return { routes, islands };}
export async function manifest(path: string, ignoreFilePattern?: RegExp) { const manifest = await collect(path, ignoreFilePattern); await generate(path, manifest);}