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The next-gen web framework.
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import * as path from "$std/path/mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertNotMatch, assertStringIncludes, puppeteer,} from "./deps.ts";import { getStdOutput, recreateFolder, startFreshServer, waitForText, withFakeServe,} from "./test_utils.ts";import { BuildSnapshotJson } from "../src/build/mod.ts";
function runBuild(fixture: string, subDirPath: string, outDir: string) { return new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "-A", path.join(fixture, subDirPath, "dev.ts"), "build", ], env: { GITHUB_SHA: "__BUILD_ID__", DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID: "__BUILD_ID__", FRESH_TEST_OUTDIR: outDir, }, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }).output();}
async function testBuild( t: Deno.TestContext, fixture: string, options: { subDirPath?: string; outDir?: string; } = {},) { const subDirPath = options.subDirPath ?? ""; const outDir = options.outDir ?? path.join(fixture, subDirPath, "_fresh");
try { await t.step("build snapshot", async () => { const res = await runBuild(fixture, subDirPath, outDir); const { stdout } = getStdOutput(res); assert( !/Using snapshot found at/.test(stdout), "Using snapshot message was shown during build", );
assert((await Deno.stat(outDir)).isDirectory, "Missing output directory"); });
const snapshot = JSON.parse( await Deno.readTextFile(path.join(outDir, "snapshot.json")), ) as BuildSnapshotJson;
await t.step("check snapshot file", async () => { assert( Array.isArray(snapshot.files["island-counter.js"]), "Island output file not found in snapshot", ); assert( Array.isArray(snapshot.files["main.js"]), "main.js output file not found in snapshot", ); assert( Array.isArray(snapshot.files["signals.js"]), "signals.js output file not found in snapshot", );
// Should not include `preact/debug` const mainJs = await Deno.readTextFile(path.join(outDir, "main.js")); assertNotMatch(mainJs, /Undefined parent passed to render()/); });
await t.step("restore from snapshot", async () => { const { lines, serverProcess, address, output } = await startFreshServer({ args: [ "run", "-A", path.join(fixture, subDirPath, "main.ts"), ], });
// Check if restore snapshot message was printed assert( output.find((line) => line.includes("Using snapshot found at")), "Did not print restoring from snapshot line", );
try { const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ["--no-sandbox"] });
try { const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(address);
await page.waitForSelector("button:not([disabled])"); await"button");
await waitForText(page, "p", "1");
// Ensure that it uses the build id from the snapshot const assetUrls = await page.evaluate(() => { const links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("link")).map( (link) => link.href, ); const scripts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("script")) .filter((script) => script.src && !script.src.endsWith("refresh.js") ).map((script) => script.src);
return [...links, ...scripts]; });
for (let i = 0; i < assetUrls.length; i++) { assertStringIncludes(assetUrls[i], snapshot.build_id); } } finally { await browser.close(); } } finally { serverProcess.kill("SIGTERM"); await serverProcess.status;
// Drain the lines stream for await (const _ of lines) { /* noop */ } } });
await t.step("should not restore from snapshot in dev mode", async () => { const { lines, serverProcess, output } = await startFreshServer({ args: [ "run", "-A", path.join(fixture, subDirPath, "dev.ts"), ], });
try { // Check that restore snapshot message was NOT printed assert( !output.find((line) => line.includes("Using snapshot found at")), "Restoring from snapshot message should not appear in dev mode", ); } finally { serverProcess.kill("SIGTERM"); await serverProcess.status;
// Drain the lines stream for await (const _ of lines) { /* noop */ } } }); } finally { await Deno.remove(path.join(fixture, subDirPath, "_fresh"), { recursive: true, }); }}
Deno.test("build snapshot and restore from it", async (t) => { // Note: If you change the fixture_build directory, you must also update fixture_build_sub_dir const fixture = path.join(Deno.cwd(), "tests", "fixture_build"); await testBuild(t, fixture);});
Deno.test("build snapshot and restore from it when has sub dirs", async (t) => { const fixture = path.join(Deno.cwd(), "tests", "fixture_build_sub_dir"); await testBuild(t, fixture, { subDirPath: "src" });});
Deno.test( "build snapshot with custom build.outDir", async (t) => { async function assertOutputDir(outDir: string, out: Deno.CommandOutput) { const { stdout, stderr } = getStdOutput(out);
const msg = `Missing output directory: ${outDir}\n\nCLI output:\n${stdout}\n${stderr}`;
const dir: string | URL = outDir.startsWith("file://") ? new URL(outDir) : outDir; try { assert((await Deno.stat(dir)).isDirectory, msg); } catch (err) { throw new Error(msg, { cause: err }); } }
await t.step("uses on relative outDir", async () => { const fixture = path.join(Deno.cwd(), "tests", "fixture_build_out_dir"); const out = await runBuild(fixture, "", "./tmp/asdf"); const outDir = path.join(fixture, "tmp", "asdf");
await assertOutputDir(outDir, out); });
await t.step("uses absolute outDir", async () => { const fixture = path.join( Deno.cwd(), "tests", "fixture_build_out_dir_sub", );
const outDir = path.join(fixture, "tmp"); const out = await runBuild(fixture, "src", outDir);
await assertOutputDir(outDir, out); });
await t.step("uses file:// outDir", async () => { const fixture = path.join( Deno.cwd(), "tests", "fixture_build_out_dir_sub2", );
const outDirPath = path.join(fixture, "tmp"); const outDir = path.toFileUrl(outDirPath).href; const out = await runBuild(fixture, "src", outDir); await assertOutputDir(outDir, out); }); },);
Deno.test("pass target options", async () => { const fixture = path.join(Deno.cwd(), "tests", "fixture_build_target"); const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "-A", path.join(fixture, "dev.ts"), "build", ], env: { GITHUB_SHA: "__BUILD_ID__", DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID: "__BUILD_ID__", FRESH_TEST_TARGET: "es2015", }, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }).output();
const { stdout, stderr } = getStdOutput(out); const txt = await Deno.readTextFile( path.join(fixture, "_fresh", "island-counter.js"), );
assertNotMatch( txt, /\?\?/, `Asset contained ?? despite target es2015\n\n${stdout}\n${stderr}`, );});
Deno.test("serve static files from build dir", async () => { const filePath = path.join( path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)), "fixture_build_static", "_fresh", "static", "foo.txt", );
await recreateFolder(path.dirname(filePath)); await Deno.writeTextFile(filePath, `it works`);
await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_build_static/main.ts", async (server) => { const res = await server.get("/foo.txt"); const text = await res.text(); assertEquals(text, "it works"); }, );});
Deno.test("prefer static files from build dir", async () => { const filePath = path.join( path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)), "fixture_build_static", "_fresh", "static", "duplicate.txt", );
await recreateFolder(path.dirname(filePath)); await Deno.writeTextFile(filePath, "it works");
await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_build_static/main.ts", async (server) => { const res = await server.get("/duplicate.txt"); const text = await res.text(); assertEquals(text, "it works"); }, );});