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import { assertEquals } from "./deps.ts";import { assertSelector, assertTextMany, withFakeServe, withFresh, withPageName,} from "./test_utils.ts";import { STATUS_CODE } from "../server.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "render async server component",
async fn() { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_server_components/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/basic`); assertTextMany(doc, "h1", ["it works"]); }, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "uses returned response",
async fn() { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_server_components/main.ts", async (server) => { const res = await server.get(`/response`); const text = await res.text(); assertEquals(text, "it works"); }, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "revives islands in async server component",
async fn() { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_server_components/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island`);
await page.waitForSelector("button"); let text = await page.$eval("button", (el) => el.textContent); assertEquals(text, "update 0");
await"button"); text = await page.$eval("button", (el) => el.textContent); assertEquals(text, "update 1"); }, ); },});
Deno.test("passes context to server component", async () => { await withFresh( "./tests/fixture_server_components/main.ts", async (address) => { const res = await fetch(`${address}/context/foo`); const json = await res.json();
assertEquals(typeof json.localAddr, "object"); assertEquals(typeof json.remoteAddr, "object"); json.localAddr.port = 8000; json.remoteAddr.port = 8000;
assertEquals( json, { localAddr: { hostname: "localhost", port: 8000, transport: "tcp", }, remoteAddr: { hostname: "", port: 8000, transport: "tcp", }, config: { basePath: "", build: { outDir: "tests/fixture_server_components/_fresh", target: [ "chrome99", "firefox99", "safari15", ], }, dev: false, plugins: [ { entrypoints: {}, name: "twind", renderAsync: "AsyncFunction" }, ], render: "Function", router: "<undefined>", server: {}, staticDir: "tests/fixture_server_components/static", }, data: "<undefined>", error: "<undefined>", codeFrame: "<undefined>", pattern: "/context/:id", render: "AsyncFunction", Component: "Function", destination: "route", next: "Function", basePath: "", renderNotFound: "AsyncFunction", url: `${address}/context/foo`, route: "/context/:id", params: { id: "foo", }, state: {}, isPartial: false, }, ); }, );});
Deno.test({ name: "can call context.renderNotFound()",
async fn() { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_server_components/main.ts", async (server) => { const res = await server.get(`/fail`);
assertEquals(res.status, STATUS_CODE.NotFound); const html = await res.text(); assertEquals(html, "Not found."); }, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "works with async plugins",
async fn() { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_server_components/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/twind`); await page.waitForSelector("h1");
const text = await page.$eval("h1", (el) => el.textContent); assertEquals(text, "it works");
// Check that CSS was applied accordingly const color = await page.$eval("h1", (el) => { return globalThis.getComputedStyle(el).color; }); assertEquals(color, "rgb(220, 38, 38)"); }, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "renders async app template",
async fn() { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_async_app/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(``); assertSelector(doc, "html > body > .app > .layout > .page"); }, ); },});
Deno.test("define helpers", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_define_helpers/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(``); assertSelector(doc, "html > body > .app > .layout > .page"); assertTextMany(doc, "p", ["Layout: it works", "Page: it works"]); }, );});