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A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { ChartJs } from "./deps.ts";import { Rect2D, SvgCanvas, SvgCanvas2DGradient } from "./deps_server.ts";
class ChartSvgCanvas extends SvgCanvas { public override clearRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): void {; this.fillStyle = "transparent"; this.fillRect(x, y, w, h); this.restore(); }
public resetTransform() { this.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); }}
/** Underlying ChartJS defaults which can be modified. */export const defaults: ChartJs.Defaults = ChartJs.defaults;
/** The set of chart options that are supported. Unsupported or fixed values * are omitted from the underlying {@linkcode ChartJs.ChartOptions}. */export type ChartOptions<TType extends ChartJs.ChartType = ChartJs.ChartType> = Omit< ChartJs.ChartOptions<TType>, | "responsive" | "responsiveAnimationDuration" | "events" | "legendCallback" | "onHover" | "onClick" | "onResize" | "hover" | "animation" >;
/** The configuration options that are settable when rendering a chart. */export interface ChartConfiguration< TType extends ChartJs.ChartType = ChartJs.ChartType, TData = ChartJs.DefaultDataPoint<TType>, TLabel = unknown,> { /** The width, in pixels, of the chart. * * Defaults to `768`. */ width?: number; /** The height, in pixels, of the chart. * * Defaults to `384`. */ height?: number; /** The type of chart. * * Defaults to `"line"`. */ type?: ChartJs.ChartType; /** Data to be rendered in the chart. */ data: ChartJs.ChartData<TType, TData, TLabel>; /** Options which can be configured on the chart. */ options?: ChartOptions; /** Chart plugins to be registered for the chart. */ plugins?: ChartJs.Plugin[]; /** CSS class for the <svg> element of the chart. */ svgClass?: string; /** CSS style for the <svg> element of the chart */ svgStyle?: string;}
interface SvgCanvasExtras { canvas?: { width: number; height: number; style: Record<string, string>; }; resetTransform?(): void;}
/** Render a chart, returning a SVG string representation of the chart. * * This is a lower level function, where the `Chart` component and `renderChart` * are intended for use within a Fresh application. */export function chart< TType extends ChartJs.ChartType = ChartJs.ChartType, TData = ChartJs.DefaultDataPoint<TType>, TLabel = unknown,>( { width = 768, height = 384, type = "bar", data, options = {}, plugins, svgClass, svgStyle, }: ChartConfiguration<TType, TData, TLabel> = { data: { datasets: [] } },): string { Object.assign(options, { animation: false, events: [], responsive: false, });
const ctx: ChartSvgCanvas & SvgCanvasExtras = new ChartSvgCanvas(); ctx.canvas = { width, height, style: { width: `${width}px`, height: `${height}px` }, }; ctx.fontHeightRatio = 2; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const el: HTMLCanvasElement = { getContext: () => ctx } as any; const savedGradient = globalThis.CanvasGradient; globalThis.CanvasGradient = SvgCanvas2DGradient as typeof CanvasGradient;
try { new ChartJs.Chart(el, { type, data, options, plugins }); } finally { if (savedGradient) { globalThis.CanvasGradient = savedGradient; } }
let svg = ctx.render(new Rect2D(0, 0, width, height), "px");
if (svgStyle) { svg = svg.replace( "<svg ", `<svg style="${svgStyle.replaceAll('"', "&quot;")}" `, ); } if (svgClass) { svg = svg.replace( "<svg ", `<svg class="${svgClass.replaceAll('"', "&quot;")}" `, ); }
return svg;}