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A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh
// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { ChartJs } from "./deps.ts";import type { JSX } from "preact";import { useEffect, useRef } from "preact/hooks";
export type ChartType = ChartJs.ChartType;export type DefaultDataPoint<TType extends ChartType> = ChartJs.DefaultDataPoint<TType>;
export type ChartProps< Type extends ChartType, Data = DefaultDataPoint<Type>, Label = unknown,> = ChartJs.ChartConfiguration<Type, Data, Label> & { canvas?: JSX.HTMLAttributes<HTMLCanvasElement>;};
/** * A hook which takes in a Chart.js configuration object and returns `canvasRef` and `chartRef`. * * `canvasRef` is a reference to the canvas element which the chart is rendered to. * `chartRef` is a reference to the Chart.js instance. */function useChart< Type extends ChartType, Data = DefaultDataPoint<Type>, Label = unknown,>(options: ChartJs.ChartConfiguration<Type, Data, Label>) { const canvasRef = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement | null>(null); const chartRef = useRef<ChartJs.Chart<Type, Data, Label> | null>(null);
useEffect(() => { if (canvasRef.current === null) { throw new Error("canvas is null"); } if (chartRef.current) { chartRef.current.destroy(); }
chartRef.current = new ChartJs.Chart( canvasRef.current, options, );
return () => { chartRef.current?.destroy(); }; }, [canvasRef, options]);
return { canvasRef, chartRef };}
/** * A JSX component which can be used to client side render a chart inline * within a page. * * View {@linkcode ChartProps} for a list of properties that can be set * on the component. * * ### Example * * ```tsx * import { Chart } from ""; * import { ChartColors } from ""; * * export default App() { * return <> * <h1>Chart Example</h1> * <Chart * type="line" * options={{ * scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: { beginAtZero: true } }] }, * }} * data={{ * labels: ["1", "2", "3"], * datasets: [{ * label: "Sessions", * data: [123, 234, 234], * borderColor: ChartColors.Red, * borderWidth: 1, * }, { * label: "Users", * data: [346, 233, 123], * borderColor: ChartColors.Blue, * borderWidth: 1, * }], * }} * /> * <>; * } * ``` */export function Chart<Type extends ChartType>(props: ChartProps<Type>) { const { canvasRef, chartRef } = useChart<Type>(props);
useEffect(() => { chartRef.current?.render(); }, []);
return <canvas ref={canvasRef} />;}