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Fresh Store

A minimal store for Fresh, to allow communication between islands. It attach stores to the window component. It uses “pointers” or “keys” to associate stores. A pointer can either be provided, or auto-generated.


Creating a store.

const ptr = useStore(
    "Initial Value", 
    (newState) => console.log(`New value: ${newState}`),

window.stores.get<string>(ptr).set("Modified Value");
Initial Value
New value: Modified Value

Creating a store and providing a pointer.

const ptr = crypto.randomUUID();
    "Initial Value",
    (newState) => console.log(`New value: ${newState}`),

window.stores.get<string>(ptr).set("Modified Value");
Initial Value
New value: Modified Value

Creating a new Observer

const storePtr = useStore("New Store", (_) => null);

class ConcreteObserver implements Observer<T> {
    public update(subject: Store<T>): void {
        console.log("The store was updated, new state: ", subject.state);

window.stores.get(storePtr).attach(new ConcreteObserver());

Example usage in components

// ./islands/componentA.tsx

/** @jsx h */
import { h } from "preact";

interface CompAProps {
    storePtr: string;

export default function ComponentA(props: CompAProps) {
    useStore<number>(0, () => null, props.storePtr);

    const increment = () => 
            .set((state) => state + 1);
    const decrement = () =>
            .set((state) => state - 1);
    return (
            <button onClick={decrement}>-1</button>
            <button onClick={increment}>+1</button>
// ./islands/componentB.tsx

/** @jsx h */
import { h } from "preact";
import { useEffect, useState } from "preact/hooks";

// Change depending on your import_map
import type { Observer, Store } from "@store";
import { StoreStack } from "@store";

interface CompBProps {
    storePtr: string;

export default function ComponentB(props: CompBProps) {
    const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

    useEffect(() => {
        class CounterObserver implements Observer<number> {
            public update(subject: Store<number>) {

        const observer = new CounterObserver();

        // Makes sure `window.stores` is defined.

        // Creates the store if it does not yet exist.
        window.stores.upsert<number>(counter, props.storePtr, observer);

        // Sets the counter value to the value in the store.

        // Detaches the observer on cleanup.
        return () => window.stores.get(props.storePtr).detach(observer);
    }, [counter]);

    return <p>Counter: {counter}</p>;
// ./routes/index.tsx

/** @jsx h */
import { h } from "preact";

import ComponentA from "@islands/componentA.tsx";
import ComponentB from "@islands/componentB.tsx";

export default function Index() {
    const storePtr = crypto.randomUUID();

    return (
            <ComponentA storePtr={storePtr} />
            <ComponentB storePtr={storePtr} />