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Simple store for Deno Fresh, to pass state between islands
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class Store
implements Subject<T>
import { Store } from "";

A simple store that follows the Observer pattern.


Store(state: T)

Creates a new Store (aka Subject) that can be subscribed to, or observed for a state change.


state: T

A deep copy of the internal state, to prevent referenced objects to be directly mutated.


attach(observer: Observer<T>): void

Attaches/subscribes a new Observer to the store.

detach(observer: Observer<T>): void

Detaches/unsubscribes an Observer from the store.

notify(): void

Notifies all the observers of a change. Will trigger automatically when the state is changed through Store.set, but it can be forced by calling this method directly.

set(options: T | ((prevState: T) => T)): void

Method to mutate the internal state. If a value is directly provided, assign the internal state to that value. A function can also be provided to access a dereferenced copy of the previous state.

Static Methods

newPointer(): string

Convenience method to create a unique pointer.