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A small plugin for Fresh to handle translations. It may be rough around the edges for now, but suits my needs (and hopefully yours) decently enough.


For support, feel free to open an issue!


Install freshlate by adding the import and setting it up in fresh

import languagePlugin from "";
import languageConfig from "./translate.config.ts";

await start(manifest, {
  plugins: [twindPlugin(twindConfig), languagePlugin({ ...languageConfig })],

Example translate.config.ts file

import type { Options } from "";

export default {
  selfURL: import.meta.url,
  languages: {
    en: {},
  fetch_url: "/api/translation/{{lang}}",
  fallback_language: "en",
} as Options;


Example Fresh main.ts file

/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="dom" />
/// <reference lib="dom.iterable" />
/// <reference lib="dom.asynciterable" />
/// <reference lib="deno.ns" />

import { start } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import manifest from "./fresh.gen.ts";

import languagePlugin from "freshlate";
import languageConfig from "./translate.config.ts";

await start(manifest, {
  plugins: [languagePlugin({ languageConfig })],

Example translate.config.ts file

import type { Options } from "freshlate";

export default {
  selfURL: import.meta.url,
  languages: {
    en: {
        common: {
            languages: {
                en: "English",
                es: "Spanish
    es: {
        common: {
            languages: {
                en: "Inglés",
                es: "Español"
  fetch_url: "/api/translation/{{lang}}",
} as Options;

Example component with translation

export function Button() {
  return (
      class="px-2 py-1 border(gray-100 2) hover:bg-gray-200"
      Spanish {/* This will be replaced by the translation service  */}

Example with formatting and data replacement

What translation tool would be feature-complete(ish) without a formatter and data inserter? The general formatting of a dynamic translation key follows the following:

  • starts with [[~
  • ends with ]]
  • first parameter is a key on the params object (can be as deeply nested as you want) and must be wrapped in curly braces; examples:
    • {a_key_on_the_root_object} - root level key
    • {parent.child_key} - Nested key
    • {key.deeply.nested.0.and_in_array} - Nested deeply and within an array
    • {key.still.2.1.3.nested.deeply.} - Nested deeply within multi-dimensional arrays
  • next parameter onwards is a format option key. The key can be a string but can not include spaces but only supports the regex values \w-; examples:
    • valid: test_case
    • valid: test-case
    • valid: testCase
    • invalid: test case
    • invalid: test(case)
    • invalid:
  • key followed by colon, and value of test case is wrapped in backticks
  • each parameter should be separated by a lone pipe character
  • optionally, a default case can be passed in at the end to handle edge cases
  • optionally, you can embed a value in a format case using double squigly lines; examples:
    • test_case: `Here’s my embeded data {{data_key}}“
  • optionally, embedded values can have fallback strings spanning multiple lines. They should be surrounded by double pipes, and can’t contain double pipes; examples:
    • {{key}}||oops, nothing here||

If we put all that together and format it to our liking, we get something like the following: (new lines should be treated as spaces)

     test_case_1: `test 2` |
     test_case_2: `{{key}} {{key2}}||no key found||` |
     default: `oops, no cases matched`

The above would only look pretty outside of a JSON file though. The return characters are purely decorative outside of the case formats The regex that handles the parsing of the above can be found in /freshlate/translation.ts Here’s the regex to save you the trouble though:


Here’s an example properly showing how this would be used in the real-world

// /translate.config.ts
        common: {
            counter: 'You have [[~ {count} 0: `no apples` | 1: `one apple` | default: `{{count}} apples` ]]'
// --------------------------- //

// /components/button.ts
export function Button() {
  return (
      class="px-2 py-1 border(gray-100 2) hover:bg-gray-200"
      data-t-key-params={{count: 10}}
      Apples {/* This will be replaced by
                 the translation service and
                 should read "You have 10 apples" */}

Example with formatting and data replacement, as well as data fallback

If a value doesn’t exist for the provided key, you can provide a fallback value. This can be anything but must not contain the sequence || and must begin and end with ||

// /translate.config.ts
        common: {
            counter: 'You have [[~ {count} 0: `no apples` | 1: `one apple` | default: `{{count}}||inappropriate|| apples` ]]'
// --------------------------- //

// /components/button.ts
export function Button() {
  return (
      class="px-2 py-1 border(gray-100 2) hover:bg-gray-200"
      data-t-key-params={{other_count: 10}}
      Apples {/* The text nodes here will be replaced by
                 the translation service and
                 should read "You have inappropriate apples" */}

