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A translation plugin for Deno Fresh
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import { Options, setup } from "./shared.ts";import { lang_svc } from "./translation.ts";
export default async function hydrate( options: Options, state: Record<string, Record<string, string>>) { options.languages = state;
let language = document.body.lang;
// If no language was passed in, try to get it from the browser if (!language || language === "") { // Loop through the languages in the browser and find the first one that // is supported for (let i = 0; i < navigator.languages.length; i++) { const nav_lang = navigator.languages[i];
// If the language is supported, set it and break out of the loop if (lang_svc.isSupported(nav_lang)) { language = nav_lang; break; } } }
// If no language was found, use the fallback language if (!language || language === "") { language = lang_svc.fallback_language; }
// If the language is still not set, use the fallback according to the options if ((!language || language === "") && options.fallback_language) { language = options.fallback_language; }
// If the language is still not set, use the first language in the languages // object if (!language || language === "") { language = Object.keys(options.languages)[0]; }
if (options.fetch_url) { if (language && language !== "" && !lang_svc.isHydrated(language)) { try { const res = await fetch( options.fetch_url.replace("{{lang}}", language) ); const data = await res.json();
options.languages[language] = { ...options.languages[language] || {},, }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); console.warn("Failed to fetch translations"); } } else { console.log("no language or is hydrated"); }
if ( options.fallback_language && options.fallback_language !== language && !lang_svc.isHydrated(options.fallback_language) ) { const fallback = options.fallback_language; try { const res = await fetch( options.fetch_url.replace("{{lang}}", fallback) ); const data = await res.json();
options.languages[fallback] = { ...(options.languages[fallback] || {}),, }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); console.warn("Failed to fetch translations"); } } }
setup(options, language);}