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A strictly typed utility library.
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type alias ToString
import { type ToString } from "";
definition: T extends undefined | null | [] ? "" : T extends PositiveInfinity ? "Infinity" : T extends NegativeInfinity ? "-Infinity" : T extends string | number | boolean ? `${T}` : T extends Map<unknown, unknown> ? "[object Map]" : T extends Set<unknown> ? "[object Set]" : T extends Set<unknown> ? "[object Set]" : T extends unknown[] ? JoinInnerArray<T> : T extends WeakMap<any, unknown> ? "[object WeakMap]" : T extends WeakSet<any> ? "[object WeakSet]" : T extends
| bigint
| symbol
| ((...args: unknown[]) => unknown)
| RegExp
| Error
| Intl.NumberFormat
| globalThis
? string : T extends Promise<unknown> ? "[object Promise]" : T extends DataView ? "[object DataView]" : T extends SharedArrayBuffer ? "[object SharedArrayBuffer]" : T extends ArrayBuffer ? "[object ArrayBuffer]" : T extends Atomics ? "[object Atomics]" : T extends Intl.Collator ? "[object Intl.Collator]" : T extends Intl.DateTimeFormat ? "[object Intl.DateTimeFormat]" : T extends Intl.ListFormat ? "[object Intl.ListFormat]" : T extends Intl.NumberFormat ? "[object Intl.NumberFormat]" : T extends Intl.PluralRules ? "[object Intl.PluralRules]" : T extends Intl.RelativeTimeFormat ? "[object Intl.RelativeTimeFormat]" : T extends { toString(): infer R; } ? (string extends R ? "[object Object]" : ReturnType<T["toString"]>) : T extends object ? "[object Object]" : never