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A simple frontmatter parser for deno.
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import { parse } from "./mod.ts";import { assertEquals } from "";
Deno.test("simple example", () => { const example = `---title: Helloauthor: John---# Content `.trim();
const obj = parse(example);
assertEquals(obj, { data: { title: "Hello", author: "John", }, content: "# Content", });});
Deno.test("frontmatter search is non-greedy", () => { const example = `---title: Helloauthor: John---# Heading 1
# Heading 2
const obj = parse(example);
assertEquals(obj, { data: { title: "Hello", author: "John", }, content: "# Heading 1\n\n---\n\n# Heading 2", });});
Deno.test("no front matter", () => { const example = `There isno front matter `.trim();
const obj = parse(example);
assertEquals(obj, { data: undefined, content: example, });});