import * as frugal from "";
A persistence layer using the filesystem | |
A Frugal instance. | |
FrugalBuilder does everything needed to build or load a Frugal instance. This class orchestrates config loading, dependency graph building, cache loading and loaders. | |
Wrap a FrugalBuilder in a watcher instance. Internally, this class will spawn a child deno process in watch mode actually running the FrugalBuilder and the produced instance. | |
Class holding the result of all loaders generation | |
Class handling the page building process (offloading the actual generation to PageGenerator) | |
Class handling the page generation process. | |
Class handling the page refreshing process (offloading the actual building to PageBuilder) | |
A Cache that can be persisted using a | |
A persistence layer using Upstash |
Convenience function building a FrugalBuilder, a FrugalInsance, and starting the build process. | |
f page | Build a page object from a page descriptor |
Convenience function building a FrugalBuilder, a FrugalWatcher, and starting
the watch process. By default all modules in the dependency graph are watched
If you want to watch additionnal files/folders, pass them to the |
A persistence layer |
Type Aliases
A page and its generator | |
T Page | |
The different phases of Frugal. | |
A page and its generator, builder and refresher |