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type alias NoDataResult
import { type NoDataResult } from "";
definition: { status:
| http.Status.MovedPermanently
| http.Status.Found
| http.Status.SeeOther
| http.Status.TemporaryRedirect
| http.Status.PermanentRedirect
; location: URL | string; headers?: HeadersInit; } | { status:
| http.Status.Unauthorized
| http.Status.PaymentRequired
| http.Status.Forbidden
| http.Status.NotFound
| http.Status.RequestTimeout
| http.Status.Conflict
| http.Status.Gone
| http.Status.Teapot
| http.Status.TooManyRequests
| http.Status.UnavailableForLegalReasons
| http.Status.InternalServerError
| http.Status.ServiceUnavailable
; headers?: HeadersInit; }