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A file system based router for Deno.
namespace http
import { http } from "";

Provides user-friendly serve on top of Deno's native HTTP server and other utilities for creating HTTP servers and clients.


Server APIs utilizing Deno's HTTP server APIs.

import { serve } from "";

serve(() => new Response("Hello World\n"));


File Server

A small program for serving local files over HTTP.

deno run --allow-net --allow-read
> HTTP server listening on http://localhost:4507/

HTTP Status Code and Status Text

Helper for processing status code and status text.

HTTP errors

Provides error classes for each HTTP error status code as well as utility functions for handling HTTP errors in a structured way.


A set of functions which can be used to negotiate content types, encodings and languages when responding to requests.

Note: some libraries include accept charset functionality by analyzing the Accept-Charset header. This is a legacy header that clients omit and servers should ignore therefore is not provided.

Cookie maps

An alternative to cookie.ts is cookie_map.ts which provides CookieMap, SecureCookieMap, and mergeHeaders to manage request and response cookies with the familiar Map interface.


Provides a way to manage cookies in a request and response on the server as a single iterable collection.

The base class that all derivative HTTP extend, providing a status and an expose property.

Provides an way to manage cookies in a request and response on the server as a single iterable collection, as well as the ability to sign and verify cookies to prevent tampering.

Used to construct an HTTP server.


Standard HTTP status codes.


Symbol which is used in mergeHeaders to extract a [string | string][] from an instance to generate the final set of headers.

A namespace that contains each error constructor. Each error extends HTTPError and provides .status and .expose properties, where the .status will be an error Status value and .expose indicates if information, like a stack trace, should be shared in the response.

A record of all the status codes text.


Returns an array of media types accepted by the request, in order of preference. If there are no media types supplied in the request, then any media type selector will be returned.

Returns an array of content encodings accepted by the request, in order of preference. If there are no encoding supplied in the request, then ["*"] is returned, implying any encoding is accepted.

Returns an array of languages accepted by the request, in order of preference. If there are no languages supplied in the request, then ["*"] is returned, imply any language is accepted.

A factory function which provides a way to create errors. It takes up to 3 arguments, the error Status, an message, which defaults to the status text and error options, which incudes the expose property to set the .expose value on the error.

Set the cookie header with empty value in the headers to delete it

Parse cookies of a header

Parse set-cookies of a header

A type guard that determines if the status code is a client error.

A type guard that determines if the status code is an error.

A type guard that determines if the value is an HttpError or not.

A type guard that determines if the status code is informational.

A type guard that determines if the status code is a redirection.

A type guard that determines if the status code is a server error.

A type guard that determines if the status code is successful.

Allows merging of various sources of headers into a final set of headers which can be used in a Response.

Serves HTTP requests with the given handler.

Constructs a server, accepts incoming connections on the given listener, and handles requests on these connections with the given handler.

Serves HTTPS requests with the given handler.

Set the cookie header properly in the headers


Information about the connection a request arrived on.

Provides a iterable map interfaces for managing cookies server side.

An object which contains a headers property which has a value of an instance of Headers, like Request and Response.

An interface which describes the methods that SecureCookieMap uses to sign and verify cookies.

Additional serve options.

Options for running an HTTP server.

Type Aliases

An HTTP status that is a client error (4XX).

Types of data that can be signed cryptographically.

An HTTP status that is an error (4XX and 5XX).

A handler for HTTP requests. Consumes a request and connection information and returns a response.

An HTTP status that is a informational (1XX).

An HTTP status that is a redirect (3XX).

An HTTP status that is a server error (5XX).

An HTTP status that is a success (2XX).