Includes Deno configuration
Current version released
2 years ago
FTL (Faster Than Light) is a non standard WebRTC implementation for Deno.
Please note that this being Non standard means that using it will have drawbacks to normal WebRTC. it is made for fast communication and mostly testing purposes.
As of today there hasn’t been any working WebRTC library for Deno, this is a first attempt at making one that is fast unreliable and usable.
import { RTCServer } from ""
const ip = Deno.networkInterfaces().find(iface => ( === "eth0" || === "Ethernet" || === "en0") && === "IPv4")?.address;
//Starting the server
const ftl = await RTCServer({
host: "",
port: 9595,
public: ip ?? "",
} as any, true);
// Listening for the different event
ftl.on("event", (evt) => {});
ftl.on("message", (data, addr) => {});
ftl.on("error", (closeEvent) => {});
// Send exemple
// Please use an existing client addr, the object is a Deno.NetAddr.
ftl.send("hello world", { hostname: "", port: 12345, transport: "udp"}) //
Quick FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
“Unreliable?” : Yes, it uses the standard RTCP option
in order to send messages that are not fragmented, each packet has a maximum ammount of 1256 bytes (could go higher but optimal), and packet that gets dropped are not sent again, thus the tag unreliable.“Non standard?”: This library does not include 90% of the WebRTC api, only the bare mimimum, “DataChannel”. This is because re-implementing it is a big nono.