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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
/** * Kind is a collection of types used for doing something called Type * Substitution. The core idea here is that sometimes there is a function that * is generic at two levels, at the concrete type as well as at the type leve. * A simple example of this is a *forEach* function. In javascript the built in * *Array* and *Set* data structures both have a built in *forEach* method. If * we look at Array and Set we can see that the creation functions are similar. * * * `const arr = new Array<number>()` returns Array<number>; * * `const set = new Set<number>()` returns Set<number>; * * If we look at the type signitures on forEach for `arr` and `set` we also * notice a similar pattern. * * * `type A = (typeof arr)['forEach']` returns `(callbackfn: (value: number, index: number, array: number[]) => void, thisArg?: any) => void` * * `type B = (typeof set)['forEach']` returns `(callbackfn: (value: number, value2: number, set: Set<number>) => void, thisArg?: any) => void` * * Both forEach methods have the same concrete value of `number` but differ in * that they operate over an Array or a Set. Here is a table to illustrate this * pattern a bit more clearly. * * | Structure | Outer Type | Inner Type | forEach Type | * | --------- | ---------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | * | Array<A> | Array | A | (value: A, index: number, struct: A[]) => void | * | Set<A> | Set | A | (value: A, index: number, struct: Set<A>) => void | * | Map<K, V> | Map | K (key), V (value) | (value: V, key: K, struct: Map<K, V>) => void | * * In general we can see that the forEach function could have a more generic * type signiture like this: * * ``` * type ForEach<Outer> = { * forEach: <K, V>(struct: Outer<K, V>) => (value: V, key: K, struct: Outer<K, V>) => void; * } * ``` * * Unfortunately, while these types of patterns are abundant within TypeScript * (and most programming languages). The ability to pass generic types around * and fill type holes is not built into TypeScript. However, with some type * magic we can create our own type level substitutions using methods pionered * by [gcanti]( in *fp-ts*. * * @module Kind * @since 2.0.0 */
/** * The Substitutions type splits the different type level substitutions into * tuples based on variance. */export type Substitutions = { // Covariant Substitutions: () => A readonly ["out"]: unknown[]; // Premappable Substitutions: (A) => void readonly ["in"]: unknown[]; // Invariant Substitutions: (A) => A readonly ["inout"]: unknown[];};
/** * Kind is an interface that can be extended * to retrieve inner types using "this". */export interface Kind extends Substitutions { readonly kind?: unknown;}
/** * Substitute is a substitution type, taking a Kind implementation T and * substituting it with types passed in S. */export type Substitute<T extends Kind, S extends Substitutions> = T extends { readonly kind: unknown } // If the kind property on T is required (no ?) then proceed with substitution ? (T & S)["kind"] // Otherwise carry T and the substitutions forward, preserving variance. : { readonly T: T; readonly ["out"]: () => S["out"]; readonly ["in"]: (_: S["in"]) => void; readonly ["inout"]: (_: S["inout"]) => S["inout"]; };
/** * $ is an alias of Substitute, lifting out, in, and inout * substitutions to positional type parameters. */export type $< T extends Kind, Out extends unknown[], In extends unknown[] = [never], InOut extends unknown[] = [never],> = Substitute<T, { ["out"]: Out; ["in"]: In; ["inout"]: InOut }>;
/** * Access the Covariant substitution type at index N */export type Out<T extends Kind, N extends keyof T["out"]> = T["out"][N];
/** * Access the Premappable substitution type at index N */export type In<T extends Kind, N extends keyof T["in"]> = T["in"][N];
/** * Access the Invariant substitution type at index N */export type InOut<T extends Kind, N extends keyof T["inout"]> = T["inout"][N];
/** * Fix a concrete type as a non-substituting Kind. This allows one to define * algebraic structures over things like number, string, etc. */export interface Fix<A> extends Kind { readonly kind: A;}
/** * Create a scoped symbol for use with Hold. */const HoldSymbol = Symbol("Hold");type HoldSymbol = typeof HoldSymbol;
/** * The Hold interface allows one to trick the typescript compiler into holding * onto type information that it would otherwise discard. This is useful when * creating an interface that merges multiple type classes (see Flatmappable). */export interface Hold<A> { readonly [HoldSymbol]?: A;}
/** * Spread the keys of a struct union into a single struct. */export type Spread<A> = { [K in keyof A]: A[K] } extends infer B ? B : never;
/** * An extension type to be used to constrain in input to an outer container with * any concrete types. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type AnySub<U extends Kind> = $<U, any[], any[], any[]>;
/** * A type level utility that turns a type union into a type intersection. This * type is dangerous and can have unexpected results so extra runtime testing is * necessary when used. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type Intersect<U> = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never;