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Common Functional Programming Algebraic data types for JavaScript that is compatible with most modern browsers and Deno.
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import { blue, gray, red } from "";import { append, compose, curry, map, lift } from "";
const $$decoder = new TextDecoder();const $$encoder = new TextEncoder();
export const assertIsRegex = pattern => pattern instanceof RegExp;
export const decodeRaw = $$decoder.decode.bind($$decoder);export const encodeText = $$encoder.encode.bind($$encoder);
export const insideOut = curry( (T, list) => list.reduce( (accumulator, x) => lift(append)(x, accumulator), T.of([]) ));
// log :: String -> a -> aexport const log = message => x => console.debug(blue(message), x) || x;
export const mapBuffer = unaryFunction => map(compose(encodeText, unaryFunction, decodeRaw));
// safeExtract :: String -> Either a -> aexport const safeExtract = curry( (message, container) => container.fold({ Left: error => { throw new Error(`${message} Error: ${ (error.hasOwnProperty('raw')) ? new TextDecoder().decode(error.raw) : `${red(error.message)}\n${gray(error.stack)}` }`) }, Right: value => value }));
// stream :: ((a, b) -> a) -> a -> AsyncIterable b -> aexport const stream = curry( async (composedFunction, accumulator, iterator) => { for await (const data of iterator) { accumulator = composedFunction(accumulator, data); }
return accumulator; });