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Common Functional Programming Algebraic data types for JavaScript that is compatible with most modern browsers and Deno.
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import { factorizeType } from "./factories.js";import Either from "./Either.js";import Pair from "./Pair.js";import { Done, Loop } from "./Step.js";
import { $$debug, $$inspect } from "./Symbols.js";import { chainLift } from "./utilities.js";
const concat = x => y => x.concat(y);
/** * The `Task` type is similar in concept to `IO`; it helps keep your function pure when you are working with `IO`. * The biggest difference with `IO` is that this type considers Promise as first-class citizen. Also, it always resolves * to an instance of `Either`; `Either.Right` for a success, `Either.Left` for a failure. * * The `IO` type implements the following algebras: * - [x] Monad * * ### Example * * ```js * const containerA = Task(_ => readFile(`${Deno.cwd()}/dump/hoge`)) * .map(text => text.split("\n")); * // File isn't being read yet. Still pure. * * assert(; * * const containerB = await; * // Now, the file is being read. * * assert(; * // The call was successful! * * const lines = containerB.extract(); * ``` * * The `Task` factory comes with a special utility method called `wrap`. The result of any function called with `wrap` * will be memoized allowing for safe "logic-forks". * * Take the following example; `containerD` contains the raw text, `containerE` contains the text into lines and * `containerF` contains the lines in inverted order. Because `run` was called thrice, the file was read thrice. 😐 * * ```js * let count = 0; * const containerA = Task(_ => ++count && readFile(`${Deno.cwd()}/dump/hoge`)); * const containerB = => text.split("\n")); * const containerC = => text.reverse()); * * assert(; * assert(; * assert(; * * const containerD = await; * const containerE = await; * const containerF = await; * * assert(count === 3); * ``` * * Definitely not what we want... Simply wrap the function and bim bam boom - memoization magic! (The file will only be * read once) 🤩 * * Please check-out [Functional IO]( for more practical examples. */
export const Task = factorizeType("Task", [ "asyncFunction" ]);
const serializeFunctionForDebug = asyncFunction => ( && !== "") ? : asyncFunction.toString().length > 25 ? asyncFunction.toString() .slice(0, 25) .replace(/[\n\r]/g, "") .replace(/\s\s*/g, " ") + "[...]" : asyncFunction.toString() .replace(/[\n\r]/g, "") .replace(/\s\s*/g, " ")
Task.wrap = asyncFunction => { let promise; const proxyFunction = function (...argumentList) { promise = promise ||, ...argumentList);
return promise.then( maybeContainer => ? maybeContainer : Either.Right(maybeContainer), maybeContainer => ? maybeContainer : Either.Left(maybeContainer) ); };
return Object.defineProperty( Task( Object.defineProperty( proxyFunction, 'length', { value: asyncFunction.length } ) ), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `Task(${serializeFunctionForDebug(asyncFunction)})` } );};
Task.prototype.ap = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/ap"] = function (container) {
return Object.defineProperty( Task(_ => { const maybePromiseValue = this.asyncFunction(); const maybePromiseUnaryFunction = container.asyncFunction();
return Promise.all([ (maybePromiseUnaryFunction instanceof Promise) ? maybePromiseUnaryFunction : Promise.resolve(maybePromiseUnaryFunction), (maybePromiseValue instanceof Promise) ? maybePromiseValue : Promise.resolve(maybePromiseValue) ]) .then(([ maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction, maybeContainerValue ]) => {
return ( (Reflect.getPrototypeOf(maybeContainerValue).ap) ? maybeContainerValue : Either.Right(maybeContainerValue) ).ap( (Reflect.getPrototypeOf(maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction).ap) ? maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction : Either.Right(maybeApplicativeUnaryFunction) ); }); }), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `${this[$$debug]}.ap(${container})` } );};
Task.prototype.chain = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/chain"] = function (unaryFunction) {
return Object.defineProperty( Task(_ => { const maybePromise = this.asyncFunction();
return ( (maybePromise instanceof Promise) ? maybePromise : Promise.resolve(maybePromise) ) .then(maybeContainer => ( ? maybeContainer : Either.Right(maybeContainer)) .chain( value => { const maybePromise = unaryFunction(value).run();
return ( (maybePromise instanceof Promise) ? maybePromise : Promise.resolve(maybePromise) ) .then( maybeContainer => ? maybeContainer : Either.Right(maybeContainer), maybeContainer => ? maybeContainer : Either.Left(maybeContainer), ) }), Either.Left ); }), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `${this[$$debug]}.chain(${serializeFunctionForDebug(unaryFunction)})` } );};
Task.prototype.chainRec = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/chainRec"] = function (ternaryFunction, initialCursor) { let accumulator = this; let result = Loop(Pair(initialCursor, null));
while (! { result = ternaryFunction(Loop, Done, result.value.first);
if ( { accumulator = chainLift(concat, accumulator, result.value.second); } }
return accumulator;}; = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/map"] = function (unaryFunction) {
return Object.defineProperty( Task(_ => { const promise = this.asyncFunction();
return promise.then( container => container.chain( value => { const maybeContainer = unaryFunction(value);
return ( ? maybeContainer : Either.Right(maybeContainer); } ), Either.Left ); }), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `${this[$$debug]}.map(${serializeFunctionForDebug(unaryFunction)})` } );};
Task.of = Task.prototype.of = Task.prototype["fantasy-land/of"] = value => Object.defineProperty( Task(_ => Promise.resolve(Either.Right(value))), $$debug, { writable: false, value: `Task(${serializeFunctionForDebug(value)})` } ); = async function () { const maybePromise = this.asyncFunction();
return ((maybePromise instanceof Promise) ? maybePromise : Promise.resolve(maybePromise)) .then( maybeContainer => ? maybeContainer : Either.Right(maybeContainer), maybeContainer => ? maybeContainer : Either.Left(maybeContainer) );};
Task.prototype.toString = Task.prototype[$$inspect] = function () {
return this[$$debug] || `Task("unknown")`};
export default Task;