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Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript
Very Popular
export default Fuseexport as namespace Fuse
declare class Fuse<T> { constructor( list: ReadonlyArray<T>, options?: Fuse.IFuseOptions<T>, index?: FuseIndex<T> ) /** * Search function for the Fuse instance. * * ```typescript * const list: MyType[] = [myType1, myType2, etc...]
* const options: Fuse.IFuseOptions<MyType> = { * keys: ['key1', 'key2'] * } * * const myFuse = new Fuse(list, options) * let result ='pattern') * ``` * * @param pattern The pattern to search * @param options `Fuse.FuseSearchOptions` * @returns An array of search results */ search<R = T>( pattern: string | Fuse.Expression, options?: Fuse.FuseSearchOptions ): Fuse.FuseResult<R>[]
setCollection(docs: ReadonlyArray<T>, index?: FuseIndex<T>): void
/** * Adds a doc to the end the list. */ add(doc: T): void
/** * Removes all documents from the list which the predicate returns truthy for, * and returns an array of the removed docs. * The predicate is invoked with two arguments: (doc, index). */ remove(predicate: (doc: T, idx: number) => boolean): T[]
/** * Removes the doc at the specified index. */ removeAt(idx: number): void
/** * Returns the generated Fuse index */ getIndex(): FuseIndex<T>
/** * Return the current version. */ static version: string
/** * Use this method to pre-generate the index from the list, and pass it * directly into the Fuse instance. * * _Note that Fuse will automatically index the table if one isn't provided * during instantiation._ * * ```typescript * const list: MyType[] = [myType1, myType2, etc...] * * const index = Fuse.createIndex<MyType>( * keys: ['key1', 'key2'] * list: list * ) * * const options: Fuse.IFuseOptions<MyType> = { * keys: ['key1', 'key2'] * } * * const myFuse = new Fuse(list, options, index) * ``` * @param keys The keys to index * @param list The list from which to create an index * @param options? * @returns An indexed list */ static createIndex<U>( keys: Array<Fuse.FuseOptionKey>, list: ReadonlyArray<U>, options?: Fuse.FuseIndexOptions<U> ): FuseIndex<U>
static parseIndex<U>( index: any, options?: Fuse.FuseIndexOptions<U> ): FuseIndex<U>}
declare class FuseIndex<T> { constructor(options?: Fuse.FuseIndexOptions<T>) setSources(docs: ReadonlyArray<T>): void setKeys(keys: ReadonlyArray<string>): void setIndexRecords(records: Fuse.FuseIndexRecords): void create(): void add(doc: T): void toJSON(): { keys: ReadonlyArray<string> collection: Fuse.FuseIndexRecords }}
declare namespace Fuse { type FuseGetFunction<T> = ( obj: T, path: string | string[] ) => ReadonlyArray<string> | string
export type FuseIndexOptions<T> = { getFn: FuseGetFunction<T> }
// { // title: { '$': "Old Man's War" }, // 'author.firstName': { '$': 'Codenar' } // } // // OR // // { // tags: [ // { $: 'nonfiction', idx: 0 }, // { $: 'web development', idx: 1 }, // ] // } export type FuseSortFunctionItem = { [key: string]: { $: string } | { $: string; idx: number }[] }
// { // score: 0.001, // key: 'author.firstName', // value: 'Codenar', // indices: [ [ 0, 3 ] ] // } export type FuseSortFunctionMatch = { score: number key: string value: string indices: ReadonlyArray<number>[] }
// { // score: 0, // key: 'tags', // value: 'nonfiction', // idx: 1, // indices: [ [ 0, 9 ] ] // } export type FuseSortFunctionMatchList = FuseSortFunctionMatch & { idx: number }
export type FuseSortFunctionArg = { idx: number item: FuseSortFunctionItem score: number matches?: (FuseSortFunctionMatch | FuseSortFunctionMatchList)[] }
export type FuseSortFunction = ( a: FuseSortFunctionArg, b: FuseSortFunctionArg ) => number
// title: { // '$': "Old Man's War", // 'n': 0.5773502691896258 // } type RecordEntryObject = { v: string // The text value n: number // The field-length norm }
// '': [{ // 'v': 'pizza lover', // 'i': 2, // 'n: 0.7071067811865475 // } type RecordEntryArrayItem = ReadonlyArray<RecordEntryObject & { i: number }>
// TODO: this makes it difficult to infer the type. Need to think more about this type RecordEntry = { [key: string]: RecordEntryObject | RecordEntryArrayItem }
// { // i: 0, // '$': { // '0': { v: "Old Man's War", n: 0.5773502691896258 }, // '1': { v: 'Codenar', n: 1 }, // '2': [ // { v: 'pizza lover', i: 2, n: 0.7071067811865475 }, // { v: 'helo wold', i: 1, n: 0.7071067811865475 }, // { v: 'hello world', i: 0, n: 0.7071067811865475 } // ] // } // } type FuseIndexObjectRecord = { i: number // The index of the record in the source list $: RecordEntry }
// { // keys: null, // list: [ // { v: 'one', i: 0, n: 1 }, // { v: 'two', i: 1, n: 1 }, // { v: 'three', i: 2, n: 1 } // ] // } type FuseIndexStringRecord = { i: number // The index of the record in the source list v: string // The text value n: number // The field-length norm }
type FuseIndexRecords = | ReadonlyArray<FuseIndexObjectRecord> | ReadonlyArray<FuseIndexStringRecord>
// { // name: 'title', // weight: 0.7 // } export type FuseOptionKeyObject = { name: string | string[] weight: number }
export type FuseOptionKey = FuseOptionKeyObject | string | string[]
export interface IFuseOptions<T> { isCaseSensitive?: boolean distance?: number findAllMatches?: boolean getFn?: FuseGetFunction<T> ignoreLocation?: boolean ignoreFieldNorm?: boolean includeMatches?: boolean includeScore?: boolean keys?: Array<FuseOptionKey> location?: number minMatchCharLength?: number shouldSort?: boolean sortFn?: FuseSortFunction threshold?: number useExtendedSearch?: boolean }
// Denotes the start/end indices of a match // start end // ↓ ↓ type RangeTuple = [number, number]
export type FuseResultMatch = { indices: ReadonlyArray<RangeTuple> key?: string refIndex?: number value?: string }
export type FuseSearchOptions = { limit: number }
export type FuseResult<T> = { item: T refIndex: number score?: number matches?: ReadonlyArray<FuseResultMatch> }
export type Expression = | { [key: string]: string } | { $path: ReadonlyArray<string> $val: string } | { $and?: Expression[] } | { $or?: Expression[] }}