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Utilities for server side processing of Google Analytics in Deno CLI and Deploy
// Copyright 2021-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { delay } from "";import { assertEquals } from "";import { createMockContext, createMockNext,} from "";
import { createReporter, createReportMiddleware } from "./mod.ts";
const mockConn = { remoteAddr: { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080, transport: "tcp", } as Deno.NetAddr,};
function setup(): [string, AbortController, Record<string, string>[]] { const requests: Record<string, string>[] = []; const controller = new AbortController(); const listener = Deno.listen({ port: 0 }); const addr = listener.addr as Deno.NetAddr; const server = `http://${addr.hostname}:${addr.port}/`; controller.signal.addEventListener("abort", () => { listener.close(); }); (async () => { for await (const conn of listener) { (async () => { const httpConn = Deno.serveHttp(conn); while (true) { try { const requestEvent = await httpConn.nextRequest(); if (requestEvent) { requests.push( ...(await requestEvent.request.text()).split("\n").filter((i) => !!i ).map((i) => Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(i))), ); await requestEvent.respondWith( new Response(null, { status: 200 }), ); } else { return; } } catch { return; } } })(); } })(); return [server, controller, requests];}
Deno.test({ name: "createReporter - defaults", async fn() { const msgs: string[] = []; const reporter = createReporter({ log(msg) { msgs.push(msg); }, }); await reporter( new Request("http://localhost/"), mockConn, new Response(), 0, ); assertEquals(msgs, [ "GA_TRACKING_ID environment variable not set. Google Analytics reporting disabled.", ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: "createReporter - basic usage", sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false, async fn() { const [endpoint, controller, requests] = setup(); const logMsgs: string[] = []; const report = createReporter({ id: "UA-XXXX-Y", endpoint, log(msg) { logMsgs.push(msg); }, }); const start =; await report( new Request("http://localhost/example"), mockConn, new Response("{}", { status: 200, headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, }), start, ); await delay(1_200); controller.abort(); assertEquals(logMsgs.length, 0); assertEquals(requests.length, 1); assertEquals(Object.keys(requests[0]), [ "v", "tid", "t", "cid", "uip", "dl", "srt", "qt", ]); assertEquals(requests[0].v, "1"); assertEquals(requests[0].tid, "UA-XXXX-Y"); assertEquals(requests[0].t, "pageview"); assertEquals(requests[0].uip, "localhost"); assertEquals(requests[0].dl, "http://localhost/example"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "createReporter - exception", sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false, async fn() { const [endpoint, controller, requests] = setup(); const logMsgs: string[] = []; const report = createReporter({ id: "UA-XXXX-Y", endpoint, log(msg) { logMsgs.push(msg); }, }); const start =; await report( new Request("http://localhost/example"), mockConn, new Response(null, { status: 500 }), start, ); await delay(1_200); controller.abort(); assertEquals(logMsgs.length, 0); assertEquals(requests.length, 1); assertEquals(Object.keys(requests[0]), [ "v", "tid", "t", "cid", "uip", "dl", "exd", "exf", "srt", "qt", ]); assertEquals(requests[0].v, "1"); assertEquals(requests[0].tid, "UA-XXXX-Y"); assertEquals(requests[0].t, "exception"); assertEquals(requests[0].uip, "localhost"); assertEquals(requests[0].dl, "http://localhost/example"); assertEquals(requests[0].exd, "500 Internal Server Error"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "createReportMiddleware - basic usage", sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false, async fn() { const [endpoint, controller, requests] = setup(); const logMsgs: string[] = []; const mw = createReportMiddleware({ id: "UA-XXXX-Y", endpoint, log(msg) { logMsgs.push(msg); }, }); const ctx = createMockContext({ ip: "", path: "/example", }); const next = createMockNext(); ctx.response.status = 200; await mw(ctx, next); await delay(1_200); controller.abort(); assertEquals(logMsgs.length, 0); assertEquals(requests.length, 1); assertEquals(Object.keys(requests[0]), [ "v", "tid", "t", "cid", "uip", "dl", "srt", "qt", ]); assertEquals(requests[0].v, "1"); assertEquals(requests[0].tid, "UA-XXXX-Y"); assertEquals(requests[0].t, "pageview"); assertEquals(requests[0].uip, ""); assertEquals(requests[0].dl, "http://localhost/example"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "createReportMiddleware - exception", sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false, async fn() { const [endpoint, controller, requests] = setup(); const logMsgs: string[] = []; const mw = createReportMiddleware({ id: "UA-XXXX-Y", endpoint, log(msg) { logMsgs.push(msg); }, }); const ctx = createMockContext({ ip: "", path: "/example", }); ctx.response.status = 500; const next = () => Promise.reject(new Error("thrown")); await mw(ctx, next); await delay(1_200); controller.abort(); assertEquals(logMsgs.length, 0); assertEquals(requests.length, 1); assertEquals(Object.keys(requests[0]), [ "v", "tid", "t", "cid", "uip", "dl", "exd", "exf", "srt", "qt", ]); assertEquals(requests[0].v, "1"); assertEquals(requests[0].tid, "UA-XXXX-Y"); assertEquals(requests[0].t, "exception"); assertEquals(requests[0].uip, ""); assertEquals(requests[0].dl, "http://localhost/example"); assertEquals(requests[0].exd, "500 Internal Server Error (Error: thrown)"); },});