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A useful logging utility for JavaScript everywhere. πŸŽ‰
import test from 'ava';import gardens from '..';
function wait( ms ) { return new Promise( fulfill => setTimeout( fulfill, ms ) );}
function matchOutput( t, garden, expected ) { garden.configure({ stream: { write: output => output, `${ expected }\n` ) } });}
function testOutput( t, garden, test ) { garden.configure({ stream: { write: output => t.true( test( output ) ) } });}
test( 'Custom streams work, output correctly, and default to plain text', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope();
matchOutput( t, garden, '[log] Hello!' ); garden.log( 'Hello!' );});
test( 'Setting an invalid stream should warn and ignore', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope();
testOutput( t, garden, output => output.startsWith( '[warning]' ) ); garden.configure({ stream: true });
matchOutput( t, garden, '[info] Logging still works' ); 'Logging still works' );});
test( 'Scope names work properly', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope( 'test' );
matchOutput( t, garden, '[test][log] Hello!' ); garden.log( 'Hello!' );});
test( 'Bound garden methods work correctly', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope( 'bound' ); const { log, count } = garden.bound();
matchOutput( t, garden, '[bound][log] Hello!' ); log( 'Hello!' ); matchOutput( t, garden, '[bound][count] 1 time' ); count();});
test( 'Debug only outputs when verbose', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope();
testOutput( t, garden, () => false ); garden.debug( 'This should not print anything' );
garden.configure({ verbose: true }); matchOutput( t, garden, '[debug] Verbose now!' ); garden.debug( 'Verbose now!' );});
test( 'Timing works correctly', async t => { const garden = gardens.createScope(); const { time, timeEnd } = garden.bound();
testOutput( t, garden, output => { const elapsed = parseFloat( output.match( /^\[time] ([0-9.]+)ms/ )[ 1 ] );
// ESLint is picky. I might try to find a better rule configuration later // that doesn't complain about this, but in the mean time disable this rule. /*eslint-disable yoda*/ return 90 < elapsed && elapsed < 110; }); time(); await wait( 100 ); timeEnd();});
test( 'Count method increments by 1 and pluralized correctly', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope();
matchOutput( t, garden, '[count] 1 time' ); garden.count(); matchOutput( t, garden, '[count] 2 times' ); garden.count(); matchOutput( t, garden, '[count] 3 times' ); garden.count();});
test( 'Counting using a Symbol works correctly', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope(); const symbol = Symbol( 'count' );
matchOutput( t, garden, '[Symbol(count)] 1 time' ); garden.count( symbol ); matchOutput( t, garden, '[Symbol(count)] 2 times' ); garden.count( symbol ); matchOutput( t, garden, '[Symbol(count)] 3 times' ); garden.count( symbol );});
test( 'Count can be reset', t => { const garden = gardens.createScope();
matchOutput( t, garden, '[count] 1 time' ); garden.count(); matchOutput( t, garden, '[count] 2 times' ); garden.count();
matchOutput( t, garden, '[count] 1 time' ); garden.count();});