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Work-in-progress front-end tool which does put a smile on my face
interface ISVGSVGElement
import { type ISVGSVGElement } from "";

SVG Graphics Element.


preserveAspectRatio: string
width: string
height: string
x: string
y: string
contentScriptType: string
currentScale: number
viewport: SVGRect
currentTranslate: SVGPoint
viewBox: SVGAnimatedRect


pauseAnimations(): void

Pauses animation.

unpauseAnimations(): void

Unpauses animation.

animationsPaused(): boolean

Returns "true" if animation is paused.

getCurrentTime(): number

Returns the current time in seconds relative to the start time for the current SVG document fragment.

setCurrentTime(): void

Sets current time.

getIntersectionList(): INode[]

Returns intersection list.

getEnclosureList(): INode[]

Returns enclousure list.

checkIntersection(): boolean

Returns true if the rendered content of the given element intersects the supplied rectangle.

checkEnclosure(): boolean

Returns true if the rendered content of the given element is entirely contained within the supplied rectangle.

deselectAll(): void

Unselects any selected objects, including any selections of text strings and type-in bars.

createSVGNumber(): SVGNumber

Returns a number.

createSVGLength(): SVGLength

Returns a length.

createSVGAngle(): SVGAngle

Returns a angle.

createSVGPoint(): SVGPoint

Returns a point.

createSVGRect(): SVGRect

Returns a rect.

createSVGTransform(): SVGTransform

Returns a transform.

cloneNode(deep: boolean): ISVGSVGElement

Clones a node.