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Deno 2 is finally here πŸŽ‰οΈ
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This is an adapter for easily creating generic bots on the Slack Next-gen platform that respond to mentions, messages, and emojis.

Getting Started

First, prepare a Slack Next-gen platform app.

You can create a new one using the slack create command. For more information, please refer to the official Slack documentation.

Then navigate to the slack project directory, run the following:

deno run -Ar
Actually command output example
┗╸❯❯❯ slack create sample
βš™οΈ  Creating a new Slack app in ~/sample

πŸ“¦ Installed project dependencies

✨ sample successfully created

🧭 Explore the documentation to learn more
   Read the or peruse the docs over at
   Find available commands and usage info with slack help

πŸ“‹ Follow the steps below to begin development
   Change into your project directory with cd sample/
   Develop locally and see changes in real-time with slack run
   When you're ready to deploy for production use slack deploy

┗╸❯❯❯ cd sample

┗╸❯❯❯ deno run -Ar
πŸŽ‰ Successfully created bot code.

You must edit bot/config.ts.

1. Change CHANNEL_IDS in bot/config.ts.
2. Add your first command by `deno run -Ar`
3. Develop locally with `slack run`.

For more examples, please refer to the examples directory.


Implement each function as a command.

You can scaffold code by running the following:

deno run -Ar

Mention Command

To create a command that responds to mentions, use the following implementation:

import { createMentionCommand } from "gbas/mod.ts";

export const echo = createMentionCommand({
  name: "echo",
  examples: ["echo <message> - echo applied message"],
  pattern: /^echo\s*(.+)$/i,
  execute: (c) => c.res.message(c.match[1]),

You can write a test for the command like this:

import { createMentionCommandTester } from "gbas/mod.ts";
import { assert, assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import { echo } from "./echo.ts";

const { createContext, dispatch } = createMentionCommandTester(echo);

Deno.test("echo", async () => {
  const res = await dispatch(createContext("<@BOT> echo hello world"));
  assert(res.type === "message");
  assertEquals(res.text, "hello world");

Message Command

To create a command that responds to messages, use the following implementation:

import { createMessageCommand } from "gbas/mod.ts";

export const hello = createMessageCommand({
  name: "hello",
  examples: ["hello - reaction emoji"],
  pattern: /^hello$/i,
  execute: (c) => c.res.reaction("hugging_face"),

You can write a test for the command like this:

import { createMessageCommandTester } from "gbas/mod.ts";
import { assert, assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import { hello } from "./hello.ts";

const { createContext, dispatch } = createMessageCommandTester(echo);

Deno.test("hello", async () => {
  const c = createContext("hello");
  const res = await dispatch(c);
  assert(res.type === "reaction");
  assertEquals(res.emoji, "hugging_face");

Reaction Command

To create a command that responds to reactions (emojis), use the following implementation:

import { createReactionCommand } from "gbas/mod.ts";

export const owl = createReactionCommand({
  name: "owl",
  examples: [":owl: - reply hoot"],
  emojis: ["owl"],
  execute: (c) => c.res.message("hoot!", { mentionUserIds: [c.event.userId] }),

You can write a test for the command like this:

import { createReactionCommandTester } from "gbas/mod.ts";
import { assert, assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import { owl } from "./owl.ts";

const { createContext, dispatch } = createReactionCommandTester(owl);

Deno.test("owl", async () => {
  const c = createContext("owl");
  const res = await dispatch(c);
  assert(res.type === "message");
  assertEquals(res.text, "<@USER> hoot!");


  • Test: deno task test