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Deno 2 is finally here 🎉️
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This is an adapter for easily creating generic bots on the Slack Next-gen platform that respond to mentions, messages, and emojis.

Getting Started

First, prepare a Slack Next-gen platform app. You can create a new one using the slack create command. For more information, please refer to the official Slack documentation.

Then navigate to the slack project directory, run the following:

deno run -Ar

For more examples, please refer to the examples directory.


Implement each function as a command.

Mention Command

To create a command that responds to mentions, use the following implementation:

import { createMentionCommand } from "gbas/mod.ts";

export const echo = createMentionCommand({
  name: "echo",
  examples: ["echo <message> - echo applied message"],
  pattern: /^echo\s*(.+)$/i,
  execute: (c) => c.res.message(c.match[1]),

You can write a test for the command like this:

import { createMentionCommandTester } from "gbas/mod.ts";
import { assert, assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import { echo } from "./echo.ts";

const { createContext, dispatch } = createMentionCommandTester(echo);

Deno.test("echo", async () => {
  const res = await dispatch(createContext("<@BOT> echo hello world"));
  assert(res.type === "message");
  assertEquals(res.text, "hello world");

Message Command

To create a command that responds to messages, use the following implementation:

import { createMessageCommand } from "gbas/mod.ts";

export const hello = createMessageCommand({
  name: "hello",
  examples: ["hello - reaction emoji"],
  pattern: /^hello$/i,
  execute: (c) => c.res.reaction("hugging_face"),

You can write a test for the command like this:

import { createMessageCommandTester } from "gbas/mod.ts";
import { assert, assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import { hello } from "./hello.ts";

const { createContext, dispatch } = createMessageCommandTester(echo);

Deno.test("hello", async () => {
  const c = createContext("hello");
  const res = await dispatch(c);
  assert(res.type === "reaction");
  assertEquals(res.emoji, "hugging_face");

Reaction Command

To create a command that responds to reactions (emojis), use the following implementation:

import { createReactionCommand } from "gbas/mod.ts";

export const owl = createReactionCommand({
  name: "owl",
  examples: [":owl: - reply hoot"],
  emojis: ["owl"],
  execute: (c) => c.res.message("hoot!", { mentionUserIds: [c.event.userId] }),

You can write a test for the command like this:

import { createReactionCommandTester } from "gbas/mod.ts";
import { assert, assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";
import { hello } from "./hello.ts";

const { createContext, dispatch } = createReactionCommandTester(echo);

Deno.test("owl", async () => {
  const c = createContext("owl");
  const res = await dispatch(c);
  assert(res.type === "message");
  assertEquals(res.text, "<@USER> hoot!");


  • Test: deno test