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import { GemApplication } from './application.ts';
import { GemContext } from './context.ts';
import { GemError } from './error.ts';
import { assert, assertEquals, readAll, assertRejects } from './test_deps.ts';
const TEST_PORT = 8001;
async function request(url: string, port = TEST_PORT, hostname = ''): Promise<string> { const conn = await Deno.connect({ port, hostname }); conn.write(new TextEncoder().encode(url + '\r\n')); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(await readAll(conn)); conn.close(); return data;}
const captured: { obj: any, name: string, org: any,}[] = [];
const capture = (obj: any, name: string, callOriginal = false): { params: any[], ret: any }[] => { const arr: { params: any[], ret: any }[] = [];
const org = obj[name];
obj[name] = (...args: any[]) => { const obj = { params: args, ret: null, }; if (callOriginal) { obj.ret = org(...args); } arr.push(obj); }
captured.push({ obj, name, org })
return arr;}
const release = () => { captured.forEach(({ obj, name, org }) => { obj[name] = org; })}
const { test } = Deno;
test('construct GemApplication()', () => { const app = new GemApplication(); assert(app instanceof GemApplication);})
test('register middleware', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); let called = 0; app.use((context, next) => { assert(context instanceof GemContext); assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); called++; });
const listen = app.listen(`:${TEST_PORT}`);
await request("gemini://localhost");
assertEquals(called, 1);
app.close(); await listen;});
test('register middleware - accepts non void', () => { const app = new GemApplication(); app.use((context) => 1);});
test('middleware execution order 1', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); const callStack: number[] = []; app.use(() => { callStack.push(1); });
app.use(() => { callStack.push(2); });
const listen = app.listen(`:${TEST_PORT}`);
await request("gemini://localhost");
assertEquals(callStack, [1]);
await listen;});
test('middleware execution order 2', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); const callStack: number[] = []; app.use((_context, next) => { callStack.push(1); next(); });
app.use(() => { callStack.push(2); });
const listen = app.listen(`:${TEST_PORT}`);
await request("gemini://localhost");
assertEquals(callStack, [1, 2]);
await listen;});
test('middleware execution order 3', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); const callStack: number[] = [];
app.use((_context, next) => { callStack.push(1); next(); callStack.push(2); });
app.use(async () => { callStack.push(3); await Promise.resolve(); callStack.push(4); });
const listen = app.listen(`:${TEST_PORT}`);
await request("gemini://localhost");
assertEquals(callStack, [1, 3, 2, 4]);
await listen;});
test('middleware execution order 4', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); const callStack: number[] = [];
app.use(async (_context, next) => { callStack.push(1); await next(); callStack.push(2); });
app.use(async () => { callStack.push(3); await Promise.resolve(); callStack.push(4); });
const listen = app.listen(`:${TEST_PORT}`);
await request("gemini://localhost");
assertEquals(callStack, [1, 3, 4, 2]);
await listen;});
test('app.listen', async () => { const app = new GemApplication();
app.use(() => { });
const listen = app.listen(`${TEST_PORT}`);
await listen;});
// TODO: Figure out why this hangs// test('app.listen IPv6 Loopback', async () => {// const app = new GemApplication();
// app.use(() => { console.log('test') });
// const listen = await app.listen(`[::1]:${TEST_PORT}`);
// await request('gemini://localhost', TEST_PORT, '::1');
// app.close();
// await listen;// });
test('app.listen(options)', async () => { const app = new GemApplication();
app.use(() => { });
const listen = app.listen({ port: TEST_PORT, secure: false });
await listen;});
test('app.listen({secure: true})', async () => { const app = new GemApplication();
app.use(() => { });
const listen = app.listen({ port: TEST_PORT, secure: true, keyFile: './test_resources/localhost-key.pem', certFile: './test_resources/localhost-cert.pem' });
await listen;});
test('uncaught errors impact response', async () => { const app = new GemApplication();
app.use(() => { throw new GemError(41, "An Error!") });
const listen = app.listen({ port: TEST_PORT, secure: false });
assertEquals(await request('gemini://localhost'), '41 An Error!\r\n');
await listen;});
test('uncaught generic errors provide a 40 response', async () => { const errors = capture(console, 'error');
const app = new GemApplication();
app.use(() => { throw new Error(); });
const listen = app.listen({ port: TEST_PORT, secure: false });
assert((await request('gemini://localhost')).startsWith('40'));
await listen;
assertEquals(errors[0].params.join(' '), 'Error: '); release();});
test('throws on no middleware', async () => { const app = new GemApplication();
await assertRejects(() => app.listen(`:${TEST_PORT}`), TypeError);})
test('app.handle calls the context', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); let called = 0; app.use((_) => { called += 1; })
await app.handle('gemini://');
assertEquals(called, 1);})
test('app.handle calls the context with the correct url', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); let called = 0; app.use((ctx) => { if (ctx.request.raw === 'gemini://') { called += 1; } })
await app.handle('gemini://');
assertEquals(called, 1);})
test('app.handle returns the response', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); app.use((ctx) => { ctx.response.body = 'Hello world'; ctx.response.meta = 'text/gemini; lang=en'; ctx.response.status = 20; })
const response = await app.handle('gemini://');
assertEquals(response.body, 'Hello world'); assertEquals(response.meta, 'text/gemini; lang=en'); assertEquals(response.status, 20);})
test('app.listen errors on invalid address', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); app.use(() => { })
await assertRejects(() => app.listen(''), TypeError, 'Invalid address passed'); await assertRejects(() => app.listen('bad'), TypeError, 'Invalid address passed'); await assertRejects(() => app.listen('293'), TypeError, 'Invalid address passed');})
test('next can only be called once', async () => { const app = new GemApplication(); let errored = false;
app.use(async (_, next) => { await next(); try { await next() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error && e.message.includes('next() called multiple times')) { errored = true; } else { throw e; } } })
await app.handle('gemini://test');
test('correctly handles non-error throws', async () => { const errors = capture(console, 'error');
const app = new GemApplication(); app.use(() => { throw 'Hi'; })
const listen = app.listen(`:${TEST_PORT}`);
await request('gemini://');
app.close(); await listen;
assertEquals(errors[0].params.join(' '), 'Error: Application Error'); release();})