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/*! * Adapted from oak's send.ts at and which is licensed * with the MIT license. */
import { GemError } from './error.ts';import { GemContext } from './context.ts';
import { join, extname, contentType, normalize } from './deps.ts';
export interface SendOptions { root: string, index?: string, contentTypes?: Record<string, string>, hidden?: boolean,}
function isHidden(path: string) { const pathArr = path.split("/"); for (const segment of pathArr) { if (segment[0] === "." && segment !== "." && segment !== "..") { return true; } return false; }}
export async function send( { response }: GemContext, path: string, opts: SendOptions = { root: "" }) { const { root, hidden = false, index } = opts; const normalPath = normalize(path); if (normalPath.startsWith('..')) { throw new GemError(59, 'Path must not travel up from the root directory'); }
let pathToRequest = join(root, normalPath);
if (isHidden(pathToRequest) && !hidden) { return; }
try { const stat = await Deno.stat(pathToRequest);
if (stat.isDirectory && index) { pathToRequest = join(pathToRequest, index); if (!(await Deno.stat(pathToRequest)).isFile) { throw new Error(); } } } catch (_) { throw new GemError(51); }
const additionalContentTypes: Record<string, string | undefined> = { '.gmi': 'text/gemini; lang=en', '.gemini': 'text/gemini; lang=en', }
const meta = opts.contentTypes?.[extname(pathToRequest)] ?? additionalContentTypes?.[extname(pathToRequest)] ?? contentType(pathToRequest) ?? 'text/plain';
let contents; try { contents = await Deno.readFile(pathToRequest); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound || (e instanceof Error && e.message.includes('os error 21'))) { throw new GemError(51); } else { throw e; } }
response.status = 20; response.meta = meta; response.body = contents;}