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JSON-RPC 2.0 TypeScript library for deno and browser
import { ServerRequest } from "";import { JsonRpcRequest, JsonRpcSuccess, JsonRpcFailure, JsonRpcId, JsonValue, JsonArray, JsonObject,} from "./jsonRpc2Types.ts";type ResultOrError = | { id: JsonRpcId | undefined; result: unknown } | ServerError;type NotNotification = | { id: JsonRpcId; result: unknown } | (Omit<ServerError, "rpcRequestID"> & { rpcRequestID: JsonRpcId; });type ResponseTypes = JsonRpcSuccess | JsonRpcFailure;type Methods = { [method: string]: (...args: any[]) => unknown };
class ServerError extends Error { rpcErrorID: number; rpcRequestID: JsonRpcId | undefined; constructor( rpcErrorID: number, message: string, rpcRequestID: JsonRpcId | undefined ) { super(message); this.rpcErrorID = rpcErrorID; this.rpcRequestID = rpcRequestID; }}
function isJsonRpcVersion(input: unknown): input is "2.0" { return input === "2.0";}function isJsonRpcMethod(input: unknown): input is string { return typeof input === "string" && !input.startsWith("rpc.");}function isJsonRpcParams(input: unknown): input is JsonArray | JsonObject { return typeof input === "object";}function isJsonRpcId(input: unknown): input is JsonRpcId { switch (typeof input) { case "string": return true; case "number": return input % 1 === 0; case "object": let isNull = input === null; if (isNull) { console.warn("Use of null ID in JSONRPC 2.0 is discouraged."); return true; } else { return false; } default: return false; }}
function validateRpcObj( decodedBody: JsonValue | ServerError, methods: Methods): JsonRpcRequest | ServerError { if (decodedBody instanceof ServerError) return decodedBody; if ( typeof decodedBody === "object" && !Array.isArray(decodedBody) && decodedBody !== null ) { if ( !isJsonRpcVersion(decodedBody.jsonrpc) || !isJsonRpcMethod(decodedBody.method) ) return new ServerError( -32600, "Invalid Request", isJsonRpcId( ? : null ); else if (typeof methods[decodedBody.method] !== "function") return new ServerError( -32601, "Method not found", "id" in decodedBody ? isJsonRpcId( ? : null : undefined ); else if ("params" in decodedBody && typeof decodedBody.params !== "object") return new ServerError( -32602, "Invalid parameters", "id" in decodedBody ? isJsonRpcId( ? : null : undefined ); else { return "id" in decodedBody ? isJsonRpcId( ? ((decodedBody as unknown) as JsonRpcRequest) : new ServerError(-32600, "Invalid Request", null) : ({ ...decodedBody, id: undefined } as JsonRpcRequest); } } else return new ServerError(-32600, "Invalid Request", null);}
async function executeMethods( rpcReqObj: JsonRpcRequest | ServerError, methods: Methods, req?: ServerRequest): Promise<ResultOrError> { try { if (rpcReqObj instanceof ServerError) return rpcReqObj; else { if (req) return Array.isArray(rpcReqObj.params) ? { result: await methods[rpcReqObj.method](req, ...rpcReqObj.params), id:, } : { result: await methods[rpcReqObj.method]({ ...rpcReqObj.params, req, }), id:, }; else { return Array.isArray(rpcReqObj.params) ? { result: await methods[rpcReqObj.method](...rpcReqObj.params), id:, } : { result: await methods[rpcReqObj.method](rpcReqObj.params), id:, }; } } } catch (err) { return new ServerError( -32000, "Server error", "id" in rpcReqObj ? isJsonRpcId( ? : null : undefined ); }}
async function respondRpc( req: ServerRequest, methods: Methods, { includeServerErrorStack = false, callMethodsWithRequestObj = false } = {}) { const decodedBody = new TextDecoder().decode(await Deno.readAll(req.body)); const resObject = callMethodsWithRequestObj ? await handleData(decodedBody, methods, includeServerErrorStack, req) : await handleData(decodedBody, methods, includeServerErrorStack); const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("content-type", "application/json"); req.respond( resObject ? { body: new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(resObject)), headers, status: 200, } : { status: 204 } ); return resObject;}
function parseJson(json: string): JsonValue | ServerError { try { return JSON.parse(json); } catch (err) { return new ServerError(-32700, "Parse error", null); }}
async function handleData( decodedBody: string, methods: Methods, includeServerErrorStack = false, req?: ServerRequest): Promise<ResponseTypes | ResponseTypes[] | null> { const data = parseJson(decodedBody); const result: ResultOrError | ResultOrError[] = Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0 ? await Promise.all( data .map((body: JsonValue) => validateRpcObj(body, methods)) .map(validatedRpcReq => req ? executeMethods(validatedRpcReq, methods, req) : executeMethods(validatedRpcReq, methods) ) ) : req ? await executeMethods(validateRpcObj(data, methods), methods, req) : await executeMethods(validateRpcObj(data, methods), methods); return createRPCResponseObject(result, includeServerErrorStack);}
function createRPCResponseObject( result: ResultOrError | ResultOrError[], includeServerErrorStack: boolean): ResponseTypes | ResponseTypes[] | null { if (Array.isArray(result)) { const responseBatchObj = result .map(result => createObject(result, includeServerErrorStack)) .filter( (result: ResponseTypes | null): result is ResponseTypes => result != null ); return responseBatchObj.length > 0 ? responseBatchObj : null; } else { return createObject(result, includeServerErrorStack); }}
function createObject( data: ResultOrError, includeServerErrorStack: boolean): ResponseTypes | null { function isNotNotification(result: ResultOrError): result is NotNotification { return ( ("id" in result && !== undefined) || (result instanceof ServerError && result.rpcRequestID !== undefined) ); } if (isNotNotification(data)) { if ("id" in data) { return { jsonrpc: "2.0", result: data.result === undefined ? null : data.result, // can't return undefined id:, }; } else { const rpcResObj: JsonRpcFailure = { jsonrpc: "2.0", error: { code: data.rpcErrorID || -32603, message: data.message, }, id: data.rpcRequestID, }; if (data.stack && includeServerErrorStack) = { stack: data.stack }; return rpcResObj; } } else { return null; }}
export { respondRpc, handleData };