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πŸ“‚ Recursively get all files in a directory
/** * @author: lencx * @create_at: Jun 17, 2020 */
import { fmtFileSize, trimPath, fileExt, isStr } from './utils.ts';import { GetFilesOptions, FindFileOptions, FileInfo } from './types.ts';
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
export async function findFile({ path, collect, exclude, ignore, hasInfo, isFirst }: FindFileOptions): Promise<void> { let rs; try { rs = Deno.readDirSync(path); } catch (e) { await Deno.stderr.write(encoder.encode('NotFound: No such file or directory\n')) Deno.exit(-1); }
path = trimPath(path);
if (exclude && exclude.length) { let flag = false; exclude.some(i => { if (trimPath(i) === path) { flag = true; return true; } }) if (flag) return; }
for (const item of rs) { let _path = `${path}/${}`; _path = trimPath(_path); if (item.isDirectory) { // recursively directory findFile({ path: _path, collect, exclude, ignore, hasInfo, isFirst: false }); } else { const fExt = fileExt(;
//=== ignore rules // `**/*.ts`: recursive directory ignores files // `*.ts` : ignore files under `root path` or `include path` // `a/b/c.ts`: specific ignore files let flag = false; if (ignore && ignore.length) { ignore.some(i => { const regRule = (/^\*\./.test(i) && isFirst) || /\*\*\/\*\./.test(i); if ((regRule && fExt && fExt === fileExt(i)) || trimPath(i) === _path) { flag = true; return true; } }) }
// collect files according to rules let fileInfo = null; if (hasInfo) { const info = Deno.statSync(_path); fileInfo = {, fmtSize: fmtFileSize(info.size), } } !flag && collect.push({ path: _path, name:, ext: fExt, realPath: Deno.realPathSync(_path), info: fileInfo, }); } }}
export function getFiles<T extends (string | GetFilesOptions)>(opts: T): FileInfo[] { const files: FileInfo[] = [];
if (isStr(opts)) { findFile({ path: (opts as string), collect: files }); } else { // there are multiple parameters const { root, include, exclude, ignore, hasInfo } = (opts as GetFilesOptions);
if (root && include === undefined) { findFile({ path: root, collect: files, exclude, ignore, hasInfo, isFirst: true }); }
if (include && include.length === 0) return [];
if (include) { include.forEach(dir => findFile({ path: dir, collect: files, ignore, exclude, hasInfo, isFirst: true })) } } return files;}
export default getFiles;