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A framework to act on any (new) file in a Github repository

This provides a server on port 4505 which:

  • listens for github webhooks (POST requests) from the configured source repo)
  • processes the changed files

This webserver also exposes the follwing paths:

  • /status: Serves a Badge (svg) to show the current service status
  • /workdir/jobs/: List of runs
  • /workdir/jobs/[id]/status.json: Status of run with that id
  • /workdir/jobs/[id]/log.txt: Log of run with that id
  • /update?from=[from-commit-id]&till=[till-commit-id]: send a POST here to update all files modified since from-commit-id up till-commit-id or HEAD if not specified
  • /full_update: send a POST here to run the full_update script. Note that this will not delete any files (yet).


See the example folder