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A light-weight stdout logging library for NodeJS. Checkout the main features:

  • JSON output by default
  • Automatic readable output format for dev environments
  • Auto-format error, request and repsonse objects.
  • Support for adding custom function to parse interesting input data
  • printf-like formatting on messages.
  • Automatic pid field on log entries.
  • Log entries filtering by level or type (whitelist, blacklist)

Get Started

  1. Install with: npm i -P golog.
  2. Setup a logger:
const GoLog = require('require');

// Crate a new logger.
var log = new GoLog();
  1. Create new log entries with one of the supported levels:
log.debug('Main log message');'Main log message');
log.warn('Counting, %d, %d, %d... %s', 1, 2, 3, 'Foo!');
log.error('Main log message');
log.fatal({ merge: 'this', object: 'with', the: 'entry' }, 'The MSG');

Other Features

You can set default properties to show up in every log entry for a given logge rinstance. For exemple we can use it to set a source.

var l1 = new GoLog({ defaults: { source: 'app-a' } });
var l2 = new GoLog({ defaults: { source: 'app-b' } });

Default loggers log entries of any level. Change the level for warn or higher.

var log = new GoLog({ level: 'warn' });
log.debug('Let\'s go!');

You can check/use log entries right off the bat.

var log = new GoLog();

let e1 = log.fatal('foo');
let e2 = log.debug('bar');
console.log(e1, e2);

If you want to log some information about an Error instance, just add it as a key to the data object.

log.warn({ err: new Error('My error') }, 'The message lives on');

GoLog also formats http request objects.

const http = require('http');
const GoLog = require('require');

var log = new GoLog();

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){
    log.warn({ req }, 'The message lives on');


You can create a disabled logger if you send false as the input parameter

var log = new GoLog(false);'Wont log this');

Reporting Bugs

If you have found any problems with this module, please:

  1. Open an issue.
  2. Describe what happened and how.
  3. Also in the issue text, reference the label ~bug.

We will make sure to take a look when time allows us.

Proposing Features

If you wish to get that awesome feature or have some advice for us, please:

  1. Open an issue.
  2. Describe your ideas.
  3. Also in the issue text, reference the label ~proposal.


If you have spotted any enhancements to be made and is willing to get your hands dirty about it, fork us and submit your merge request so we can collaborate effectively.