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πŸ₯œ goober, a less than 1KB πŸŽ‰ css-in-js alternative with a familiar API
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import { styled } from 'goober';import { Box } from '../../components/box/box';import { Button } from '../../components/button/button';import { Text } from '../../components/text/text';import { Nav } from '../../components/nav/nav';import { Logo } from '../logo/logo';
const BoxWithBorder = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({ borderTop: `1px solid ${theme.colors['gray-100']}`}));
export function Layout({ children }) { return ( <Box full> <Nav logo={<Logo />} buttons={ <> <Button as="a" href="" secondary> Documentation </Button> <Box size={300} /> <Button as="a" href=""> GitHub </Button> </> } /> {children} <Box size={400} /> <BoxWithBorder centered full> <Box horizontal full max reactive size={400}> <Box flex> <Box size={200}> <Text size={100} bold> goober </Text> <Text size={100}>A less than 1KB css-in-js solution.</Text> <Box size={300} /> <Text size={100}> This website was built with{' '} <Text as="a" href="" color="accent-100" size={300} bold > wmr </Text>{' '} and{' '} <Text as="a" href="" color="accent-100" size={300} bold > goober </Text> . </Text> <Box size={300} /> <Text size={100}>Maintained with love by a bunch of good people.</Text> </Box> </Box> <Box size={300} /> <Box> <Box size={200}> <Text as="a" href="" size={100} bold> Documentation </Text> <Box size={300} /> <Text as="a" href="" size={100} bold > GitHub </Text> </Box> </Box> </Box> </BoxWithBorder> </Box> );}