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πŸ₯œ goober, a less than 1KB πŸŽ‰ css-in-js alternative with a familiar API
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import { keyframes, styled } from 'goober';import { Box } from '../../components/box/box';import { Logo } from '../../components/logo/logo';import { Text } from '../../components/text/text';
const bg = keyframes({ from: { backgroundSize: '100%' }, '50%': { backgroundSize: '200%' }, to: { backgroundSize: '100%' }});
const SuperTitle = styled(Text)(({ theme }) => ({ backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(to left, ${theme.colors['accent-300']}, ${theme.colors['accent-100']})`, backgroundSize: '100%', padding: theme.sizes[100], WebkitBackgroundClip: 'text', WebkitTextFillColor: 'transparent', fontWeight: 'bolder', animation: `${bg} 10s linear infinite`}));
export default function TheGreatShaveOff() { return ( <Box centered fill full size={400}> <SuperTitle size={600} bold> The Great Shave Off </SuperTitle> <Box marginAuto max full size={400}> <Text size={400} bold> Hello there! </Text> <Box size={200} /> <Text> <Logo /> is all about keeping it small and offer the same functionalities. So with that, we're launching a new challenge open to <b>everyone</b> who wants to try it! </Text> <Box size={200} /> <Text> In exchange of your byte shavings we are offering <b>1USD</b> dollar for each{' '} <b>1B</b> removed from goober's output, minified and gzipped. </Text> <Box size={400} /> <Text size={400}>How it's all gonna happen</Text> <Box size={200} /> <Text> Step 1: Clone the repo from πŸ‘‰{' '} <Text as="a" href="" color="accent-100" bold > </Text> </Text> <Box size={300} /> <Text>Step 2: Do your magic of shaving off bytes!</Text> <Box size={300} /> <Text>Step 3: Open a PR to the above repo with the changes.</Text> <Text faded> On each PR there's an action that builds out the changes and computes the amout of shavings. </Text> <Box size={300} /> <Text> Step 4: Submit an expense into <Logo /> 's open collective πŸ‘‰{' '} <Text as="a" href="" color="accent-100" bold> </Text> </Text> <Text faded> The amount should be calculated as per the amount of bytes reported by the action. </Text> <Text as="pre" faded> -1 B = 1 USD\n-10 B = 10 USD\n-100 B = 100 USD </Text> <Box size={400} /> <Text size={400}>That's about it!</Text> <Text> If you have more questions don't hesitate to reach out by opening an issue. </Text> <Box size={400} /> <Text> This challenge would not be possible without the financial support from our backers. And with this we would like to thank them for their support! πŸ™ </Text> <Box size={200} /> <Text> If you'd like to support <Logo /> as well go to our{' '} <Text as="a" href="" color="accent-100" bold> </Text>{' '} and become one! </Text> </Box> </Box> );}