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πŸ₯œ goober, a less than 1KB πŸŽ‰ css-in-js alternative with a familiar API
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import { styled } from 'goober';import { Box } from '../../components/box/box';import { Button } from '../../components/button/button';import { Feature } from '../../components/feature/feature';import { Text } from '../../components/text/text';import { Logo } from '../../components/logo/logo';
const BoxOverlapAndShadow = styled(Box)(({ theme, size }) => ({ boxShadow: [0, theme.sizes[100], theme.sizes[400], theme.colors['gray-25']].join(' '), marginTop: '-' + theme.sizes[size]}));
const TopLeft = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({ position: 'absolute', top: theme.sizes[400], left: theme.sizes[400], flexDirection: 'row', '> * + *': { marginLeft: theme.sizes[200] }}));
const Dot = styled('div')(({ theme, bg }) => ({ width: theme.sizes[300], height: theme.sizes[300], borderRadius: '50%', backgroundColor: theme.colors[bg]}));
const Code = styled('pre')(({ theme }) => ({ color: theme.colors['gray-300'], fontSize: theme.fontSizes['300'], b: { fontWeight: 'normal', color: theme.colors['accent-100'] }, i: { fontStyle: 'normal', color: theme.colors['accent-200'] }, u: { textDecoration: 'none', color: theme.colors['accent-300'] }}));
export default function Home() { return ( <> <Box size={700} centered full> <Text size={600} as="h1" bold superSpaced> <Logo /> </Text> <Box size={300} /> <Text as="h2" faded> A less than 1KB css-in-js solution </Text> </Box> <Box full centered> <Button as="a" href="/the-great-shave-off"> <Text color="accent-100" bold> The Great Shave Off Challenge </Text> </Button> <Box size={400} /> <Box size={400} rounded={100} centered horizontal> <Button as="a" href="" secondary> Documentation </Button> <Box size={300} /> <Button as="a" href=""> GitHub </Button> </Box> <Box size={500} /> <Box centered full fill> <Box size={600} rounded={300} bg="gray-25"> <Code dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: `<i>import</i> { <b>styled</b> } <i>from</i> <u>'goober'</u>;
<i>const</i> <b>Button</b> = <b>styled</b>(<u>'button'</u>)\` <i>border</i>: 0; <i>background</i>: dodgerblue;
<i>span</i> { <i>color</i>: white; }
<i>&:hover</i> { <i>background</i>: tomato; <i>span</i> { <i>color</i>: black; } }\`;` }} /> </Box> <BoxOverlapAndShadow bg="gray-50" size={500} rounded={300}> <TopLeft> <Dot bg="accent-100" /> <Dot bg="accent-500" /> <Dot bg="accent-200" /> </TopLeft> <Text mono size={300} color="gray-300"> npm install <Text pl={200} as="span" mono bold color="accent-100"> goober </Text> </Text> </BoxOverlapAndShadow> <Box size={300} /> </Box> <Box size={200} /> <Box size={400} centered full fill> <Text size={300} bold> Features </Text> <Text size={300} faded> Even though small in size <Text ph={200} color="accent-100" size={200} bold as="span"> goober </Text> has got you covered, feature wise. </Text> </Box> <Box size={200} /> <Box horizontal fill full max reactive size={400}> <Box flex> <Feature title={'Lightweight'}> As the subtitle notes, this is the smallest and fullest featured css-in-js solution out there. Weighing at 1KB and once bundled it's gonna be less due to tree-shake. </Feature> <Box size={400} /> <Feature title={'Familiar API'}> <Text pr={200} color="accent-100" size={200} bold as="span"> goober </Text> is built on the shoulders of well established solutions. That means the API has been paved and we need to follow it. You'll find <Text pl={200} color="accent-200" size={200} bold as="span"> as </Text> , <Text pl={200} color="accent-200" size={200} bold as="span"> forwardRef </Text> , <Text pl={200} color="accent-200" size={200} bold as="span"> css </Text> , <Text pl={200} color="accent-200" size={200} bold as="span"> keyframes </Text> , <Text ph={200} color="accent-200" size={200} bold as="span"> styled </Text> and so much more. </Feature> <Box size={400} /> <Feature title="Theming"> Easily access your common sizes, colors, anything really with the use of a theme. </Feature> </Box> <Box size={300} /> <Box flex> <Box size={200}> <Text size={300} bold> Performant </Text> <Box size={200} /> <Text size={200} faded> <Text pr={200} color="accent-100" size={200} bold as="span"> goober </Text> does more with less! Since the code measure less in size, it's served, read and ran quicker. </Text> </Box> <Box size={400} /> <Box size={200}> <Text size={300} bold> Server-Side Rendering </Text> <Box size={200} /> <Text size={200} faded> On the server you can easily extract the css for the current state with <Text pl={200} color="accent-200" size={200} bold as="span"> extractCss </Text> . </Text> </Box> <Box size={400} /> <Box size={200}> <Text size={300} bold> Why the πŸ₯œ </Text> <Box size={200} /> <Text size={200} faded> The initial thought of <Text ph={200} color="accent-100" size={200} bold as="span"> goober </Text> was a css-in-js solution at the cost of peanuts. Hence the peanuts emoji. </Text> </Box> <Box size={400} /> <Feature title="Build more"> By using{' '} <Text ph={200} color="accent-100" size={200} bold as="span"> goober </Text> , you are practically getting back space in size to build more of the needed features. </Feature> </Box> </Box> <Box size={300} /> <Text as="h2" faded> Take <Text ph={200} color="accent-100" size={200} bold as="span"> goober </Text> for a spin. </Text> <Box size={300} /> <Box size={400} rounded={100} centered horizontal> <Button as="a" href="" secondary> Documentation </Button> <Box size={300} /> <Button as="a" href=""> GitHub </Button> </Box> </Box> </> );}