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πŸ₯œ goober, a less than 1KB πŸŽ‰ css-in-js alternative with a familiar API
import { Properties as CSSProperties } from 'csstype';
export = goober;
export as namespace goober;
declare namespace goober { interface DefaultTheme {}
type Theme<T extends object> = keyof T extends never ? T : { theme: T };
interface StyledFunction { // used when creating a styled component from a native HTML element <T extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements, P extends Object = {}>( tag: T, forwardRef?: ForwardRefFunction ): Tagged< JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes<T, JSX.IntrinsicElements[T]> & P & Theme<DefaultTheme> >;
// used to extend other styled components. Inherits props from the extended component <PP extends Object = {}, P extends Object = {}>( tag: StyledVNode<PP>, forwardRef?: ForwardRefFunction ): Tagged<PP & P & Theme<DefaultTheme>>;
// used when creating a component from a string (html native) but using a non HTML standard // component, such as when you want to style web components <P extends Object = {}>(tag: string): Tagged<P & Partial<JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute>>;
// used to create a styled component from a JSX element (both functional and class-based) <T extends JSX.Element | JSX.ElementClass, P extends Object = {}>( tag: T, forwardRef?: ForwardRefFunction ): Tagged<P>; }
// used when creating a styled component from a native HTML element with the babel-plugin-transform-goober parser type BabelPluginTransformGooberStyledFunction = { [T in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: Tagged< JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes<T, JSX.IntrinsicElements[T]> & Theme<DefaultTheme> >; };
type ForwardRefFunction = { (props: any, ref: any): any; };
type ForwardPropsFunction = (props: object) => void;
const styled: StyledFunction & BabelPluginTransformGooberStyledFunction; function setup<T>( val: T, prefixer?: (key: string, val: any) => string, theme?: Function, forwardProps?: ForwardPropsFunction ): void; function extractCss(target?: Element): string; function glob( tag: CSSAttribute | TemplateStringsArray | string, ...props: Array<string | number> ): void; function css( tag: CSSAttribute | TemplateStringsArray | string, ...props: Array<string | number> ): string; function keyframes( tag: CSSAttribute | TemplateStringsArray | string, ...props: Array<string | number> ): string;
type StyledVNode<T> = ((props: T, ...args: any[]) => any) & { defaultProps?: T; displayName?: string; };
type StylesGenerator<P extends Object = {}> = (props: P) => CSSAttribute | string;
type Tagged<P extends Object = {}> = <PP extends Object = { as?: any }>( tag: | CSSAttribute | (CSSAttribute | StylesGenerator<P & PP>)[] | TemplateStringsArray | string | StylesGenerator<P & PP>, ...props: Array< | string | number | ((props: P & PP) => CSSAttribute | string | number | false | undefined) > ) => StyledVNode<Omit<P & PP, keyof Theme<DefaultTheme>>>;
interface CSSAttribute extends CSSProperties { [key: string]: CSSAttribute | string | number | undefined | null; }}