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A simple google drive index without any external dependencies.

import { GoogleDrive } from "";

const gd = new GoogleDrive({
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  refresh_token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  logger: false,

try {
  // This step can be omitted, and it will reauthorize when requesting data
  await gd.authorize();
  // The default value of the path is "root"
  const metadata = await gd.index("your/path");

  if (metadata.isFolder) {
  } else {
    // handle metadata.raw() or metadata.raw(range)
} catch (e) {


This class is a simplification of the google oauth2 authorization flow.

1. Create an instance

import { GoogleOAuth2 } from "";

const ga = new GoogleOAuth2({
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  redirect_uri: "",
  "scopes": [

const link = ga.buildAuthLink();

After clicking the link to complete the authorization, it will redirect to the uri with the “code” parameter. You can receive the “code” in redirect_uri.

3. Get tokens

// tokens include refresh_token, access_token, id_token, etc.
// But the access_token has an expiry time, so you need to get it again through the next step
const tokens = await ga.getTokens(code);

4. Get access_token

// refresh_token is obtained in the previous step, it is permanently valid.
const accessToken = ga.getAccessToken(refresh_token);

5. Decode id_token (without verifiy signature)

The id_token obtained in the third step contains some personal information of the google account, you can decode it.

const data = ga.decodeIdToken(id_token);
// it will return { header, payload, signature }
// payload is the personal information

6. Decode id_token (verify signature via CERTS_URL)

It is usually not necessary to verify the signature for the first authorization, but it is strongly recommended to verify when you use the id_token as a cookie to keep the login state.

NOTE: There is a bug in this method, which is caused by the type of “cryptoKey”, and I don’t know how to solve it for the time being.

const data = await ga.verifyIdToken(id_token);