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A set of APIs that allow interfacing to Google Datastore on GCP from Deno.
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// Copyright 2022 Kitson P. Kelly. All rights reserved. MIT License
/** APIs for using [Google Datastore]( from * Deno. * * Google Datastore is Firestore in Datastore under the hood these days, but has * a more concise API and lacks the complex rule system that Firestore running * in its native mode provides. * * Users should create an instance of {@linkcode Datastore} to connect to an * instance of Google Datastore. Converting a datastore {@linkcode Entity} to * a JavaScript object can be done with {@linkcode entityToObject} and a * JavaScript object can be converted to an {@linkcode Entity} via * {@linkcode objectToEntity}. * * You can associate a datastore {@linkcode Key} with a JavaScript object via * the {@linkcode objectSetKey} function. Any entities that were converted to * objects with {@linkcode entityToObject} will already have their key set, so * can be mutated and then converted back to an entity and not lose their key. * * @module */
import { Auth } from "./auth.ts";import { base64 } from "./deps.ts";import { DatastoreError } from "./error.ts";export { DatastoreError } from "./error.ts";import { isValueArray, isValueBlob, isValueBoolean, isValueDouble, isValueEntity, isValueGeoPoint, isValueInteger, isValueKey, isValueNull, isValueString, isValueTimestamp,} from "./guards.ts";import { asStream, getQueryRequest, Query, type QueryRequestGenerator,} from "./query.ts";import type { CommitRequest, CommitResponse, Entity, GoogleDatastoreAdminV1Index, GoogleDatastoreAdminV1IndexOutput, GoogleDatastoreAdminV1ListIndexesResponse, GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse, GoogleLongrunningOperation, GqlQuery, Key, LookupRequest, LookupResponse, Mutation, PathElement, ReadOptions, ReserveIdsRequest, RunQueryResponse, TransactionOptions, Value,} from "./types.d.ts";import { datastoreKey, getRequestHeaders } from "./util.ts";export { objectToEntity, toEntity } from "./util.ts";
/** The information from a service account JSON file that is used by the * {@linkcode Datastore} to be able to securely connect. */export interface DatastoreInit { client_email: string; private_key: string; private_key_id: string; project_id: string;}
/** Options that can be used when committing mutations to the datastore. */export interface CommitOptions { /** The number of mutations that will be set per batch. Defaults to 500, must * be between 1 and 500. */ batchSize?: number; /** Indicates if the commit is transactional or not. Defaults to `true`. */ transactional?: boolean; /** The associated transaction to use when committing. */ transaction?: string;}
interface ListOptions { filter?: string; /** The maximum number of items to return. If zero, then all results will be returned. */ pageSize?: number; /** The next_page_token value returned from a previous List request, if any. */ pageToken?: string;}
// deno-lint-ignore ban-typesfunction optionsToQueryString<O extends object>(options?: O): string { return options ? `?${new URLSearchParams(Object.entries(options)).toString()}` : "";}
/** Provides the APIs for `indexes` for {@linkcode Datastore} instances. * Exported for documentation purposes and should not be instantiated by users. * * @private */export class DatastoreIndexes { #auth: Auth;
constructor(auth: Auth) { this.#auth = auth; }
/** Creates the specified index. * * A newly created index's initial state is `CREATING`. On completion of the * returned google.longrunning.Operation, the state will be `READY`. * * If the index already exists, the call will return an `ALREADY_EXISTS` * status. During index creation, the process could result in an error, in * which case the index will move to the `ERROR` state. The process can be * recovered by fixing the data that caused the error, removing the index with * delete, then re-creating the index with create. * * Indexes with a single property cannot be created. */ async create( index: GoogleDatastoreAdminV1Index, ): Promise< GoogleLongrunningOperation<GoogleDatastoreAdminV1IndexOutput> > { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/indexes`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(index), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Indexes.create error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }
/** Deletes an existing index. * * An index can only be deleted if it is in a `READY` or `ERROR` state. On * successful execution of the request, the index will be in a `DELETING` * state. And on completion of the returned google.longrunning.Operation, the * index will be removed. During index deletion, the process could result in * an error, in which case the index will move to the `ERROR` state. The * process can be recovered by fixing the data that caused the error, followed * by calling delete again. */ async delete( indexId: string | { indexId: string }, ): Promise< GoogleLongrunningOperation<GoogleDatastoreAdminV1IndexOutput> > { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const id = typeof indexId === "string" ? indexId : indexId.indexId; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/indexes/${id}`, { method: "DELETE", headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Indexes.delete error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }
/** Gets an index. */ async get( indexId: string | { indexId: string }, ): Promise<GoogleDatastoreAdminV1IndexOutput> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const id = typeof indexId === "string" ? indexId : indexId.indexId; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/indexes/${id}`, { method: "GET", headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Indexes.get error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }
/** Lists the indexes that match the specified filters. * * Datastore uses an eventually consistent query to fetch the list of indexes * and may occasionally return stale results. */ async list( options?: ListOptions, ): Promise<GoogleDatastoreAdminV1ListIndexesResponse> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/indexes${ optionsToQueryString(options) }`, { method: "GET", headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Indexes.list error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }}
/** Provides the `operations` APIs on the {@linkcode Datastore} instances. * Exported for documentation purposes and should not be instantiated by users. * * @private */export class DatastoreOperations { #auth: Auth;
constructor(auth: Auth) { this.#auth = auth; }
/** Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. * * The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not * guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns * `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. * * Clients can use Operations.GetOperation or other methods to check whether * the cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite * cancellation. On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; * instead, it becomes an operation with an Operation.error value with a * google.rpc.Status.code of 1, corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`. */ async cancel(name: string | { name: string }): Promise<void> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const operationsId = typeof name === "string" ? name :; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/operations/${operationsId}:cancel`, { method: "POST", headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Operations.cancel error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } }
/** Deletes a long-running operation. * * This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the * operation result. It does not cancel the operation. * * If the server doesn't support this method, it returns * `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. */ async delete(name: string | { name: string }): Promise<void> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const operationsId = typeof name === "string" ? name :; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/operations/${operationsId}`, { method: "DELETE", headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Operations.cancel error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } }
/** Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. * * Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as * recommended by the API service. */ async get( name: string | { name: string }, ): Promise< GoogleLongrunningOperation<GoogleDatastoreAdminV1IndexOutput> > { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const operationsId = typeof name === "string" ? name :; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/operations/${operationsId}`, { method: "GET", headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Operations.cancel error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }
/** Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. */ async list( options?: ListOptions, ): Promise<GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}/operations${ optionsToQueryString(options) }`, { method: "GET", headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Indexes.list error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }}
interface KeyInitObject { namespace: string; path: [string, number | bigint | string][];}
function isKeyInitObject(value: unknown): value is KeyInitObject { return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && !Array.isArray(value);}
export type KeyInit = | [string, string | number | bigint] | string | KeyInitObject;
function tupleToPathElement( tuple: [string, string | number | bigint],): PathElement { const [kind, nameOrId] = tuple; if (typeof nameOrId === "string") { return { kind, name: nameOrId }; } return { kind, id: typeof nameOrId === "bigint" ? nameOrId.toString() : String(nameOrId.toFixed()), };}
/** An interface to [Google Datastore]( This * is the main class users should use to connect to a Google Datastore instance. * * ### Example * * ```ts * import { Datastore } from ""; * import keys from "./service-account.json" assert { type: "json" }; * * const datastore = new Datastore(keys); * * const result = await datastore.query({ kind: "book" }); * ``` */export class Datastore { #auth: Auth; #indexes: DatastoreIndexes; #operations: DatastoreOperations;
/** APIs related to creating and managing indexes. */ get indexes(): DatastoreIndexes { return this.#indexes; }
/** APIs related to managing operations (long running processes). */ get operations(): DatastoreOperations { return this.#operations; }
constructor(datastoreInit: DatastoreInit) { this.#auth = new Auth(datastoreInit, Datastore.SCOPES); this.#auth.setToken(); this.#indexes = new DatastoreIndexes(this.#auth); this.#operations = new DatastoreOperations(this.#auth); }
/** Allocates IDs for the given keys, which is useful for referencing an * entity before it is inserted. */ async allocateIds(...keys: Key[]): Promise<Key[]> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:allocateIds`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ keys }), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Allocate Ids error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return (await res.json()).keys; }
/** Begins a new transaction. */ async beginTransaction( transactionOptions: TransactionOptions = { readWrite: {} }, ): Promise<string> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:beginTransaction`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ transactionOptions }), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Allocate Ids error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return (await res.json()).transaction; }
/** Commits a transaction, optionally creating, deleting or modifying some * entities. * * An async iterable that yields up each commit response for each batch * of mutations being sent. */ async *commit( mutations: Mutation[], options: CommitOptions = {}, ): AsyncIterableIterator<CommitResponse> { const { batchSize = 500, transactional = true, transaction } = options; if (batchSize < 1 || batchSize > 500) { throw new TypeError( `Batch size must be between 1 and 500. Received ${batchSize}.`, ); } let m = mutations.slice(0); while (m.length) { let current: Mutation[]; if (m.length > batchSize) { current = m.slice(0, batchSize); m = m.slice(batchSize); } else { current = m; m = []; } let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const body: CommitRequest = { mode: transactional ? "TRANSACTIONAL" : "NON_TRANSACTIONAL", mutations: current, transaction, }; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:commit`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Commit error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } yield res.json(); } }
/** Create a query. */ createQuery(kind?: string | string[]): Query; createQuery(namespace: string, kind: string | string[]): Query; createQuery( namespaceOrKind?: string | string[], kind?: string | string[], ): Query { let namespaceId; if (kind) { if (Array.isArray(namespaceOrKind)) { throw new TypeError("Namespace must be a string."); } namespaceId = namespaceOrKind; } else { kind = namespaceOrKind; } return new Query( kind, namespaceId ? { projectId: this.#auth.init.project_id, namespaceId, } : undefined, ); }
/** Generate a key. */ key(...keyInit: KeyInit[]): Key { const [keyInitObject] = keyInit; if (isKeyInitObject(keyInitObject)) { if (keyInit.length > 1) { throw new TypeError("Only one key init object can be passed."); } return { partitionId: { projectId: this.#auth.init.project_id, namespaceId: keyInitObject.namespace, }, path:, }; } return { path: => Array.isArray(kindOrTuple) ? tupleToPathElement(kindOrTuple) : { kind: kindOrTuple as string } ), }; }
/** Looks up entities by key. */ async lookup( keys: Key | Key[], readOptions?: ReadOptions, ): Promise<LookupResponse> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } keys = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : [keys]; const body: LookupRequest = readOptions ? { keys, readOptions } : { keys }; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:lookup`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Lookup error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }
/** Prevents the supplied keys' IDs from being auto-allocated by Cloud * Datastore. */ async reserveIds(keys: Key[], databaseId?: string): Promise<void> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const body: ReserveIdsRequest = databaseId ? { databaseId, keys } : { keys }; const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:reserveIds`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`ReserveIds error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } }
/** Rolls back a transaction. */ async rollback(transaction: string): Promise<void> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:rollback`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ transaction }), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Rollback error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } }
/** Queries for entities. */ async runQuery( query: Query | QueryRequestGenerator, ): Promise<RunQueryResponse> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const body = JSON.stringify(query[getQueryRequest]()); const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:runQuery`, { method: "POST", body, headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Query error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }
/** Queries for entities. */ async runGqlQuery(gqlQuery: GqlQuery): Promise<RunQueryResponse> { let token = this.#auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await this.#auth.setToken(); } const res = await fetch( `${Datastore.API_ROOT}${this.#auth.init.project_id}:runQuery`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ gqlQuery }), headers: getRequestHeaders(token), }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { throw new DatastoreError(`Query error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }); } return res.json(); }
/** Perform a query and return the entities as a stream. */ streamQuery(query: Query | QueryRequestGenerator): ReadableStream<Entity> { return asStream({ query, apiUrl: Datastore.API_ROOT, auth: this.#auth }); }
/** The root of the API endpoint. Used when forming request URLs. */ static readonly API_ROOT = ""; /** The scopes provided when obtaining an API token. */ static readonly SCOPES = "";}
function stringAsInteger(value: string): number | bigint { const num = parseInt(value, 10); return num > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ? BigInt(value) : num;}
/** Convert a Datastore {@linkcode Value} to a JavaScript value. */export function datastoreValueToValue(value: Value): unknown { if (isValueArray(value)) { return value.arrayValue.values ? : []; } if (isValueBlob(value)) { return base64.decode(value.blobValue); } if (isValueBoolean(value)) { return value.booleanValue; } if (isValueDouble(value)) { return value.doubleValue; } if (isValueEntity(value)) { return entityToObject(value.entityValue); } if (isValueGeoPoint(value)) { return value.geoPointValue; } if (isValueInteger(value)) { return stringAsInteger(value.integerValue); } if (isValueKey(value)) { return value.keyValue; } if (isValueNull(value)) { return null; } if (isValueString(value)) { return value.stringValue; } if (isValueTimestamp(value)) { return new Date(value.timestampValue); }}
interface EntityMetaData { [datastoreKey]: Key;}
/** Convert a Datastore {@linkcode Entity} to a JavaScript object, * which can then be serialized easily back into an {@linkcode Entity}. */export function entityToObject<O>(entity: Entity): O & EntityMetaData { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const o: any = Object.create(null); if ( { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( { o[key] = datastoreValueToValue(value); } } if (entity.key) { Object.defineProperty(o, datastoreKey, { value: entity.key, writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, }); } return o as O & EntityMetaData;}
/** Get the datastore {@linkcode Key} for an object, or return `undefined`. */export function objectGetKey(obj: unknown): Key | undefined { if (obj !== null && typeof obj === "object") { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return (obj as any)[datastoreKey]; }}
/** Assign a datastore {@linkcode Key} to a JavaScript object. This key will * then be set in any resulting {@linkcode Entity}. */export function objectSetKey(obj: unknown, key: Key): void { if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" || Array.isArray(obj)) { throw new TypeError("Only objects can have the datastore key set."); } Object.defineProperty(obj, datastoreKey, { value: key, writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, });}