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A set of APIs that allow interfacing to Google Datastore on GCP from Deno.
import { importPKCS8, SignJWT } from "./deps.ts";import { DatastoreError } from "./error.ts";
// jose uses this and it isn't available under the built in libs in TypeScriptdeclare global { interface ErrorConstructor { // deno-lint-ignore ban-types captureStackTrace(error: Object, constructor?: Function): void; }}
export interface ServiceAccountJSON { client_email: string; private_key: string; private_key_id: string;}
const ALG = "RS256";
function assert(cond: unknown, message = "Assertion error") { if (!cond) { throw new Error(message); }}
interface OAuth2TokenJson { access_token: string; scope?: string; token_type: string; expires_in: number;}
/** A class that wraps the response from the Google APIs OAuth2 token service. */export class OAuth2Token { #created =; #json: OAuth2TokenJson;
/** The raw access token string. */ get accessToken(): string { return this.#json.access_token; } /** Returns if the `true` if the token has expired, otherwise `false`. */ get expired(): boolean { return this.expiresIn <= 0; } /** The number of seconds until the token expires. If less than or equal to 0 * then the token has expired. */ get expiresIn(): number { return (this.#created + (this.#json.expires_in * 1000)) -; } /** Any scopes returned in the authorization response. */ get scope(): string | undefined { return this.#json.scope; } /** The type of token that was returned. */ get tokenType(): string { return this.#json.token_type; }
constructor(json: OAuth2TokenJson) { this.#json = json; }
/** Returns the token as a value for an `Authorization:` header. */ toString(): string { return `${this.#json.token_type} ${this.#json.access_token}`; }}
/** Generates an OAuth2 token against Google APIs for the provided service * account and scopes. Provides an instance of {@linkcode OAuth2Token} that * wraps the response from Google API OAuth2 service. * * ### Example * * ```ts * import { createOAuth2Token } from ""; * import keys from "./service-account.json" asserts { type: "json" }; * * const token = await createOAuth2Token( * keys, * "" * ); * * const response = fetch("", { * headers: { * authorization: token.toString(), * } * }); * ``` * * @param json A JSON object representing the data from a service account JSON * file obtained from Google Cloud. * @param scopes [Scopes]( * that the authorization is being requested for. */export async function createOAuth2Token( json: ServiceAccountJSON, ...scopes: string[]): Promise<OAuth2Token> { const AUD = ""; const key = await importPKCS8(json.private_key, ALG); const jwt = await new SignJWT({ scope: scopes.join(" "), }) .setProtectedHeader({ alg: ALG }) .setIssuer(json.client_email) .setSubject(json.client_email) .setAudience(AUD) .setIssuedAt() .setExpirationTime("1h") .sign(key);
const res = await fetch(AUD, { method: "POST", body: new URLSearchParams([[ "grant_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer", ], ["assertion", jwt]]), headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, }); assert( res.status === 200, `Unexpected authorization response ${res.status} - ${res.statusText}.`, ); return new OAuth2Token(await res.json());}
/** Generates a custom token that can be used with Firebase's * `signInWithCustomToken()` API. */export async function createCustomToken( json: ServiceAccountJSON, claims?: Record<string, unknown>,): Promise<string> { const AUD = ""; const key = await importPKCS8(json.private_key, ALG); return new SignJWT({ uid: json.private_key_id, claims, }) .setProtectedHeader({ alg: ALG }) .setIssuer(json.client_email) .setSubject(json.client_email) .setAudience(AUD) .setIssuedAt() .setExpirationTime("1h") .sign(key);}
interface AuthInit { client_email: string; private_key: string; private_key_id: string; project_id: string; datastore_host?: string;}
export class Auth { #tokenPromise: Promise<OAuth2Token> | undefined; init: AuthInit; token?: OAuth2Token; scopes: string; host: string;
constructor(init: AuthInit, scopes: string) { this.init = init; this.scopes = scopes; = init.datastore_host ?? ""; }
get baseEndpoint() { return `${}/v1/projects/${this.init.project_id}`; }
async setToken(): Promise<OAuth2Token | undefined> { if (this.init.datastore_host) { return; } if (this.#tokenPromise) { return this.#tokenPromise; } this.#tokenPromise = createOAuth2Token(this.init, this.scopes); try { this.token = await this.#tokenPromise; this.#tokenPromise = undefined; return this.token; } catch (cause) { throw new DatastoreError( `Error setting token: ${ cause instanceof Error ? cause.message : "Unknown" }`, { cause }, ); } }}