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A set of APIs that allow interfacing to Google Datastore on GCP from Deno.
/** * Contains the {@linkcode Query} class which provides an abstraction over the * native Google Datastore Query. * * @module */
import { type Auth } from "./auth.ts";import { base64 } from "./deps.ts";import { DatastoreError } from "./error.ts";import type { Entity, Filter, Key, PartitionId, PropertyFilter, PropertyOrder, QueryResultBatch, RunQueryRequest, RunQueryResponse,} from "./types.d.ts";import { assert, getRequestHeaders, toValue } from "./util.ts";
export const getQueryRequest = Symbol.for("google.datastore.getQueryRequest");
export interface QueryRequestGenerator { [getQueryRequest](): RunQueryRequest;}
export function isQueryGenerator( value: unknown,): value is QueryRequestGenerator { return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && getQueryRequest in value;}
const OPERATORS = { "=": "EQUAL", "<": "LESS_THAN", ">": "GREATER_THAN", "<=": "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL", ">=": "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL",} as const;
/** The types of operators supported when querying. */export type Operator = keyof typeof OPERATORS;
type QueryFilterOperator = typeof OPERATORS[Operator] | "HAS_ANCESTOR";
function isOperator(value: unknown): value is Operator { return typeof value === "string" && value in OPERATORS;}
function asStringBytes(value: string | ArrayBufferView): string { if (typeof value === "string") { return value; } return base64.encode(value.buffer);}
function asPropertyFilter( tuple: [string, QueryFilterOperator, unknown],): PropertyFilter { const [name, op, filterValue] = tuple; const value = toValue(filterValue); assert(value, "Value cannot be undefined"); return { op, property: { name }, value };}
function asFilter(value: [string, QueryFilterOperator, unknown][]): Filter { if (value.length === 1) { return { propertyFilter: asPropertyFilter(value[0]) }; } return { compositeFilter: { filters: => ({ propertyFilter: asPropertyFilter(v) })), op: "AND", }, };}
/** A class which abstracts the native Google Datastore Query interface and * provides a fluent interface for building a query. */export class Query implements QueryRequestGenerator { #end?: string | ArrayBufferView; #filters: [string, QueryFilterOperator, unknown][] = []; #groupBy: string[] = []; #kinds: string[]; #limit?: number; #offset?: number; #order: [string, boolean | undefined][] = []; #partition?: PartitionId; #select: string[] = []; #start?: string | ArrayBufferView;
constructor(kind: string | string[] = [], partition?: PartitionId) { this.#kinds = Array.isArray(kind) ? kind : [kind]; this.#partition = partition; }
/** Provide an end cursor for the query. */ end(cursor: string | ArrayBufferView): this { this.#end = cursor; return this; }
/** Filter the results where the supplied property equals the value. * * To filter by ancestors see {@linkcode Query.hasAncestor}. */ filter(property: string, value: unknown): this; /** Filter the results where the supplied property matches the operator. * * The operators `"="`, `"<"`, `">"`, `"<="`, and `">="` are supported. To * filter by ancestors see {@linkcode Query.hasAncestor}. */ filter(property: string, op: Operator, value: unknown): this; filter( property: string, valueOrOp: Operator | unknown, value?: unknown, ): this { let op: Operator = "="; if (value) { if (!isOperator(valueOrOp)) { throw new TypeError("op is invalid."); } op = valueOrOp; } else { value = valueOrOp; } this.#filters.push([property, OPERATORS[op], value]); return this; }
/** Group query results by a list of properties. */ groupBy(fieldNames: string | string[]): this { if (Array.isArray(fieldNames)) { this.#groupBy.push(...fieldNames); } else { this.#groupBy.push(fieldNames); } return this; }
/** Filter query by ancestors. */ hasAncestor(key: Key): this { this.#filters.push(["__key__", "HAS_ANCESTOR", key]); return this; }
/** Limit the number of results returned. */ limit(limit: number): this { if (limit < 1) { throw new TypeError("Limit must be greater than 1."); } this.#limit = limit; return this; }
/** Start returning results after the offset, the value must be > 1. */ offset(offset: number): this { if (offset < 1) { throw new TypeError("Offset must be greater than 1."); } this.#offset = offset; return this; }
/** Sort the results by a property name in ascending or descending order. * * By default, the results will be in ascending order. Set `descending` to * `true` to sort in descending order. */ order(property: string, descending?: boolean): this { this.#order.push([property, descending]); return this; }
/** Retrieve only select properties from the matched entities. */ select(fieldNames: string | string[]): this { if (Array.isArray(fieldNames)) { this.#select.push(...fieldNames); } else { this.#select.push(fieldNames); } return this; }
/** Set a start cursor for the query. */ start(cursor: string | ArrayBufferView): this { this.#start = cursor; return this; }
[getQueryRequest]() { const request: RunQueryRequest = {}; if (this.#partition) { request.partitionId = this.#partition; } const query: Required<RunQueryRequest>["query"] = {}; request.query = query; if (this.#groupBy.length) { query.distinctOn = => ({ name })); } if (this.#end) { query.endCursor = asStringBytes(this.#end); } if (this.#filters.length) { query.filter = asFilter(this.#filters); } if (this.#kinds.length) { query.kind = => ({ name })); } if (this.#limit) { query.limit = this.#limit; } if (this.#offset) { query.offset = this.#offset; } if (this.#order.length) { query.order =[name, desc]) => { const propertyOrder: PropertyOrder = { property: { name } }; if (desc !== undefined) { propertyOrder.direction = desc ? "DESCENDING" : "ASCENDING"; } return propertyOrder; }); } if (this.#select.length) { query.projection = => ({ property: { name } })); } if (this.#start) { query.startCursor = asStringBytes(this.#start); } return request; }}
export interface RunQueryOptions { query: QueryRequestGenerator; auth: Auth;}
function enqueueBatch( controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController<Entity>, batch: QueryResultBatch,): string | undefined { if (!batch.entityResults) { return; } for (const { entity } of batch.entityResults) { controller.enqueue(entity); } if (batch.moreResults === "NOT_FINISHED") { return batch.endCursor; }}
export function asStream( { query, auth }: RunQueryOptions,): ReadableStream<Entity> { const stream = new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { let more: string | undefined; do { let token = auth.token; if (!token || token.expired) { token = await auth.setToken(); } const q = query[getQueryRequest](); if (more && q.query && !(q.query.startCursor)) { q.query.startCursor = more; } const body = JSON.stringify(q); const res = await fetch( `${auth.baseEndpoint}:runQuery`, { method: "POST", body, headers: getRequestHeaders(token) }, ); if (res.status !== 200) { controller.error( new DatastoreError(`Query error: ${res.statusText}`, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, statusInfo: await res.json(), }), ); } const queryResponse: RunQueryResponse = await res.json(); more = enqueueBatch(controller, queryResponse.batch); } while (more); controller.close(); }, }); return stream;}