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A set of APIs that allow interfacing to Google Datastore on GCP from Deno.
// Copyright 2022 Kitson P. Kelly. All rights reserved. MIT License
import { assertEquals } from "";import { objectToEntity } from "./mod.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "objectToEntity - simple map", fn() { const d = new Date(); const actual = objectToEntity({ s: "s", a: ["s", "t"], e: { s: "s" }, f: 3.1415926, g: { longitude: 1, latitude: -1 }, i: 9223372036854775807n, k: { path: [{ id: "a", kind: "A" }] }, n: 1, o: null, b: true, d, t: { toJSON() { return "t"; }, }, u: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]), }); assertEquals(actual, { properties: { s: { stringValue: "s" }, a: { arrayValue: { values: [{ stringValue: "s" }, { stringValue: "t" }] }, }, e: { entityValue: { properties: { s: { stringValue: "s" } } } }, f: { doubleValue: 3.1415926 }, g: { geoPointValue: { latitude: -1, longitude: 1 } }, i: { integerValue: "9223372036854775807" }, k: { keyValue: { path: [{ id: "a", kind: "A" }] } }, n: { integerValue: "1" }, o: { nullValue: "NULL_VALUE" }, b: { booleanValue: true }, d: { timestampValue: d.toISOString() }, t: { stringValue: "t" }, u: { blobValue: "AQIDBA==", excludeFromIndexes: true }, }, }); },});