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A set of APIs that allow interfacing to Google Datastore on GCP from Deno.
import { OAuth2Token } from "./auth.ts";import { base64 } from "./deps.ts";import { isKey, isLatLng } from "./guards.ts";import type { Entity, Key, Value } from "./types.d.ts";
/** A symbol which can be used to provide a custom method to generate an * {@linkcode Entity} serialization for an object. When performing * {@linkcode objectToEntity}, this method will be used instead of built in * serialization of objects to entities. * * ### Example * * ```ts * import { toEntity } from "google_datastore.ts"; * * class A { * a = "value"; * id = "a"; * * [toEntity]() { * return { * key: { path: [ { id:, kind: A.KIND } ] }, * properties: { a: { stringValue: this.a }}, * } * } * * static KIND = "A"; * } * ``` */export const toEntity = Symbol.for("google.datastore.toEntity");export const datastoreKey = Symbol.for("google.datastore.key");
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
export function assert( cond: unknown, message = "Assertion failed.",): asserts cond { if (!cond) { throw new Error(message); }}
export function getRequestHeaders(token: OAuth2Token | undefined): Headers { const headers = new Headers({ "accept": "application/json", "content-type": "application/json", });
if (token) { headers.set("authorization", token.toString()); }
return headers;}
function hasToEntity<T>(value: T): value is T & { [toEntity](): Entity } { return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && toEntity in value;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyfunction isSerializeable(value: unknown): value is { toJSON(): any } { return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && "toJSON" in value;}
export function toValue(value: unknown): Value | undefined { switch (typeof value) { case "bigint": return { integerValue: value.toString(10) }; case "boolean": return { booleanValue: value }; case "number": if (Number.isNaN(value) || !Number.isFinite(value)) { return { nullValue: "NULL_VALUE" }; } if (Number.isInteger(value)) { return { integerValue: value.toString(10) }; } return { doubleValue: value }; case "object": if (value === null) { return { nullValue: "NULL_VALUE" }; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) { if (value.byteLength >= 1_000_000) { throw new TypeError( "Array buffer exceeds 1,000,000 bytes, which is unsupported.", ); } return { blobValue: base64.encode(value.buffer), excludeFromIndexes: true, }; } if (value instanceof Blob) { throw new TypeError( "Blob's cannot be serialized into Datastore values. Use an ArrayBuffer directly instead.", ); } if (value instanceof ReadableStream) { throw new TypeError( "ReadableStream's cannot be serialized into Datastore values.", ); } if (value instanceof Date) { return { timestampValue: value.toISOString() }; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return { arrayValue: { values: => !!value) as Value[], }, }; } if (isKey(value)) { return { keyValue: value }; } if (isLatLng(value)) { return { geoPointValue: value }; } if (isSerializeable(value)) { return toValue(value.toJSON()); } return { entityValue: objectToEntity(value) }; case "string": return encoder.encode(value).length >= 1500 ? { stringValue: value, excludeFromIndexes: true } : { stringValue: value }; case "function": case "symbol": case "undefined": return undefined; }}
/** A function which converts most JavaScript objects to entities that can be * stored in Google Datastore. If the object as a {@linkcode toEntity} symbol * method, it will be used to serialize the entity. */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport function objectToEntity(obj: any): Entity { if (hasToEntity(obj)) { return obj.toEntity(); } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" || Array.isArray(obj)) { throw new TypeError("Only objects can be converted to entities"); } const properties: Record<string, Value> = Object.create(null); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (key.match(/^__.*__$/)) { throw new TypeError("Entity property keys cannot match __.*__."); } const propertyValue = toValue(value); if (propertyValue) { properties[key] = propertyValue; } } const key: Key | undefined = obj[datastoreKey]; return key ? { key, properties } : { properties };}