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Node.js scraper to get data from Google Play
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interface IAppItemFullDetail
implements IAppItem
import { type IAppItemFullDetail } from "";


appId: string
url: string
title: string
description: string
descriptionHTML: string
summary: string
installs: string
minInstalls: number
maxInstalls: number
score: number
scoreText: string
ratings: number
reviews: number
histogram: { 1: number; 2: number; 3: number; 4: number; 5: number; }
price: number
free: boolean
currency: string
priceText: string
available: boolean
offersIAP: boolean
IAPRange: string
size: string
androidVersion: string
androidVersionText: string
developer: string
developerId: string
developerInternalID: string
developerEmail: string
developerWebsite: string
developerAddress: string
genre: string
genreId: string
categories: Array<{ name: string; id: string | null; }>
icon: string
headerImage: string
screenshots: string[]
video: string
videoImage: string
contentRating: string
contentRatingDescription: string
adSupported: boolean
released: string
updated: number
version: string
recentChanges: string
comments: string[]