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☁ Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware for Deno
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import { superdeno } from ''import { GraphQLHTTP } from './http.ts'import { runHttpQuery } from './common.ts'import { buildSchema } from ''import { describe, it, expect, run } from ''import { ServerRequest } from ''
const schema = buildSchema(`type Query { hello: String}`)
const rootValue = { hello: () => 'Hello World!'}
const app = GraphQLHTTP({ schema, rootValue })
describe('GraphQLHTTP(opts)', () => { it('should send 405 on GET', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request.get('/').expect(405) }) it('should send 400 on malformed request body', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await'/').expect(400, 'Malformed request body') }) it('should send resolved GraphQL query', async () => { const request = superdeno(app)
await request .post('/') .send('{ "query": "{ hello }" }') .expect(200, '{\n "data": {\n "hello": "Hello World!"\n }\n}') }) it('should pass req obj to server context', async () => { type Context = { request: ServerRequest }
const app = GraphQLHTTP<ServerRequest, Context>({ schema, fieldResolver: (_: any, __: any, ctx: Context, info: any) => { if (info.fieldName === 'hello') { return `Request from ${ctx.request.url}` } }, context: (request) => ({ request }) })
const request = superdeno(app)
await request .post('/') .send('{ "query": "{ hello }" }') .expect(200, '{\n "data": {\n "hello": "Request from /"\n }\n}') })})
describe('runHttpQuery(params, options, context)', () => { it('should resolve GraphQL query', async () => { const result = await runHttpQuery( { query: '{ hello }' }, { schema, rootValue } )
expect({ hello: 'Hello World!' })
expect(result.errors).toEqual(undefined) }) it('should send errors on incorrect query', async () => { const result = await runHttpQuery( { query: '{ world }' }, { schema } )
expect(result.errors?.[0].message).toBe('Cannot query field "world" on type "Query".') }) it('should use properties passed to context', async () => { const obj = { a: 'Context prop' }
const result = await runHttpQuery<unknown, typeof obj>( { query: '{ hello }' }, { schema, fieldResolver: (_, __, ctx: typeof obj, info) => { if (info.fieldName === 'hello') { return ctx.a } } }, obj )
expect({ hello: 'Context prop' }) })})