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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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import { Composer, run } from './composer.ts'import { Context } from './context.ts'import { Api } from './core/api.ts'import { ApiClientOptions, WebhookReplyEnvelope } from './core/client.ts'import { Update, debug as d, UserFromGetMe } from './platform.ts'const debug = d('grammy:bot')const debugErr = d('grammy:error')
/** * Options that can be specified when running the bot via simple long polling. */export interface PollingOptions { /** * Limits the number of updates to be retrieved per `getUpdates` call. * Values between 1-100 are accepted. Defaults to 100. */ limit?: number /** * Timeout in seconds for long polling. grammY uses 30 seconds as a default * value. */ timeout?: number /** * A JSON-serialized list of the update types you want your bot to receive. * For example, specify [“message”, “edited_channel_post”, “callback_query”] * to only receive updates of these types. See Update for a complete list of * available update types. Specify an empty list to receive all update types * except chat_member (default). If not specified, the previous setting will * be used. * * Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created before the * call to the getUpdates, so unwanted updates may be received for a short * period of time. */ allowed_updates?: ReadonlyArray<Exclude<keyof Update, 'update_id'>> /** * Pass True to drop all pending updates before starting the long polling. */ drop_pending_updates?: boolean}
/** * This error is thrown when middleware throws. It simply wraps the original * error (accessible via the `error` property), but also provides access to the * respective context object that was processed while the error occurred. */export class BotError<C extends Context> extends Error { constructor(public readonly error: unknown, public readonly ctx: C) { super('Error in middleware!') }}
/** * Error handler that can be installed on a bot to catch error thrown by * middleware. */export type ErrorHandler<C extends Context> = (error: BotError<C>) => unknown
/** * Options to pass the bot when creating it. */export interface BotConfig<C extends Context> { /** * You can specify a number of advanced options under the `client` property. * The options will be passed to the grammY client—this is the part of * grammY that actually connects to the Telegram Bot API server in the end * when making HTTP requests. */ client?: ApiClientOptions /** * grammY automatically calls `getMe` when starting up to make sure that * your bot has access to the bot's own information. If you restart your bot * often, for example because it is running in a serverless environment, * then you may want to skip this initial API call. * * Set this property of the options to pre-initialize the bot with cached * values. If you use this option, grammY will not attempt to make a `getMe` * call but use the provided data instead. */ botInfo?: UserFromGetMe /** * Pass the constructor of a custom context object that will be used when * creating the context for each incoming update. */ ContextConstructor?: new ( ...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof Context> ) => C}
/** * This is the single most important class of grammY. It represents your bot. * * First, you must create a bot by talking to @BotFather, check out * Once it is ready, you obtain a secret token for your * bot. grammY will use that token to identify as your bot when talking to the * Telegram servers. Got the token? You are now ready to write some code and run * your bot! * * You should do three things to run your bot: * ```ts * // 1. Create a bot instance * const bot = new Bot('<secret-token>') * // 2. Listen for updates * bot.on('message:text', ctx => ctx.reply('You wrote: ' + ctx.message.text)) * // 3. Launch it! * bot.start() * ``` */export class Bot<C extends Context = Context> extends Composer<C> { private pollingRunning = false private pollingAbortController: AbortController | undefined private lastTriedUpdateId = 0
/** * Gives you full access to the Telegram Bot API. * ```ts * // This is how to call the Bot API methods: * bot.api.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Hello, grammY!') * ``` * * Use this only outside of your middleware. If you have access to `ctx`, * then using `ctx.api` instead of `bot.api` is preferred. */ public readonly api: Api
private botInfo: UserFromGetMe | undefined private readonly clientConfig: ApiClientOptions | undefined
private readonly ContextConstructor: new ( ...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof Context> ) => C
/** * Holds the bot's error handler that is invoked whenever middleware throws * (rejects). If you set your own error handler via `bot.catch`, all that * happens is that this variable is assigned. */ errorHandler: ErrorHandler<C> = async err => { console.error( 'Error in middleware while handling update', err.ctx?.update?.update_id, err.error ) console.error('No error handler was set!') console.error('Set your own error handler with `bot.catch = ...`') if (this.pollingRunning) { console.error('Stopping bot') await this.stop() } throw err }
/** * Creates a new Bot with the given token. * * Remember that you can listen for messages by calling * ```ts * bot.on('message', ctx => { ... }) * ``` * or similar methods. * * The simplest way to start your bot is via simple long polling: * ```ts * bot.start() * ``` * * @param token The bot's token as acquired from * @param config Optional configuration properties for the bot */ constructor(public readonly token: string, config?: BotConfig<C>) { super() if (token.length === 0) throw new Error('Empty token!') this.botInfo = config?.botInfo this.clientConfig = config?.client this.ContextConstructor = config?.ContextConstructor ?? (Context as new ( ...args: ConstructorParameters<typeof Context> ) => C) this.api = new Api(token, this.clientConfig) }
/** * Initializes the bot, i.e. fetches information about the bot itself. This * method is called automatically, you don't have to call it manually. */ async init() { if (this.botInfo === undefined) { debug('Initializing bot') this.botInfo = await this.api.getMe() } else { debug('Bot already initialized!') } debug(`I am ${this.botInfo.username}!`) }
/** * This is an internal method that you probably will not ever need to call. * It is used whenever a new update arrives from the Telegram servers that * your bot will handle. * * If you're writing a library on top of grammY, check out the documentation * to learn about how grammY consumes updates. * * @param update An update from the Telegram Bot API * @param webhookReplyEnvelope An optional webhook reply envelope */ async handleUpdate( update: Update, webhookReplyEnvelope?: WebhookReplyEnvelope ) { if (this.botInfo === undefined) throw new Error('Bot not initialized!') debug(`Processing update ${update.update_id}`) // create API object const api = new Api(this.token, this.clientConfig, webhookReplyEnvelope) // configure it with the same transformers as bot.api const t = this.api.config.installedTransformers() if (t.length > 0) api.config.use(...t) // create context object const ctx = new this.ContextConstructor(update, api, this.botInfo) try { // run middleware stack await run(this.middleware(), ctx) } catch (err) { debugErr(`Error in middleware for update ${update.update_id}`) throw new BotError<C>(err, ctx) } }
/** * Starts your bot using long polling. * * This method effectively enters a loop that will repeatedly call * `getUpdates` and run your middleware for every received update, allowing * your bot to respond to messages. * * If your bot is already running, this method does nothing. * * This method returns a `Promise` that will never resolve except if your * bot is stopped. Remember to catch potential errors by calling * `bot.catch`, otherwise your bot will crash (and stop) if something goes * wrong in your code. * * **Note that this starts your bot using a very simple long polling * implementation.** `bot.start` should only be used for small bots. While * the rest of grammY was built to perform well even under extreme loads, * simple long polling is not capable of scaling up in a similar fashion. * You should switch over to using `@grammy/runner` if you are running a bot * with high load. * * What exactly _high load_ means differs from bot to bot, but as a rule of * thumb, simple long polling should not be processing more than ~5K * messages every hour. Also, if your bot has long-running operations such * as large file transfers that block the middleware from completing, this * will impact the responsiveness negatively, so it makes sense to use the * `@grammy/runner` package even if you receive much fewer messages. If you * worry about how much load your bot can handle, check out the grammY * documentation about scaling up. * * @param options Options to use for simple long polling */ async start(options?: PollingOptions) { await this.init() if (this.pollingRunning) { debug('Simple long polling already running!') return } await this.api.deleteWebhook({ drop_pending_updates: options?.drop_pending_updates, }) debug('Starting simple long polling') this.pollingRunning = true this.pollingAbortController = new AbortController()
const limit = options?.limit const timeout = options?.timeout ?? 30 // seconds let allowed_updates = options?.allowed_updates
while (this.pollingRunning) { // fetch updates const offset = this.lastTriedUpdateId + 1 const updates = await this.api.getUpdates( { offset, limit, timeout, allowed_updates }, this.pollingAbortController.signal ) // handle them sequentially (!) for (const update of updates) { this.lastTriedUpdateId = update.update_id try { await this.handleUpdate(update) } catch (err) { await this.errorHandler(err) } } // Telegram uses the last setting if `allowed_updates` is omitted so // we can save same traffic by only sending it in the first request allowed_updates = undefined } }
/** * Stops the bot from long polling. * * All middleware that is currently being executed may complete, but no * further `getUpdates` calls will be performed. The current `getUpdates` * request will be cancelled (unless you know what Deno is and you're using * it, there cancelling requests is not supported yet). * * In addition, this method will _confirm_ the last received update to the * Telegram servers by calling `getUpdates` one last time with the latest * offset value. If any updates are received in this call, they are * discarded and will be fetched again when the bot starts up the next time. * Confer the official documentation on confirming updates if you want to * know more: */ async stop() { if (this.pollingRunning) { debug('Stopping bot, saving update offset') this.pollingRunning = false this.pollingAbortController?.abort() await this.api.getUpdates({ offset: this.lastTriedUpdateId + 1 }) this.pollingAbortController = undefined } else { debug('Bot is not running!') } }
/** * Sets the bots error handler that is used during long polling. * * You should call this method to set an error handler if you are using long * polling, no matter whether you use `bot.start` or the `@grammy/runner` * package to run your bot. * * Calling `bot.catch` when using other means of running your bot (such as * `@grammy/runner` or webhooks) has no effect. * * @param errorHandler A function that handles potential middleware errors */ catch(errorHandler: ErrorHandler<C>) { this.errorHandler = errorHandler }}