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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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import { itrToStream, streamFile, InputFile, inputFileData, InputMedia, debug as d,} from '../platform.ts'
// === JSON serialization where necessary/** * Performs a JSON serialization on some nested properties inside the payload as * required by the Telegram Bot API specification. */export function transformPayload( method: string, payload: Record<string, unknown>) { const entries = Object.entries(payload).map(kv => { const [key, value] = kv if (mustSerialize(method, key)) { kv = [key, JSON.stringify(value)] } return kv }) return Object.fromEntries(entries)}
// === Payload types (JSON vs. form data)/** * Determines for a given payload if it may be sent as JSON, or if it has to be * uploaded via multipart/form-data. Returns `true` in the latter case and * `false` in the former. * * @param payload The payload to analyse */export function requiresFormDataUpload(payload: unknown): boolean { return ( typeof payload === 'object' && payload !== null && Object.values(payload).some(v => Array.isArray(v) ? v.some(requiresFormDataUpload) : v instanceof InputFile || requiresFormDataUpload(v) ) )}/** * Turns a payload into an options object that can be passed to a `fetch` call * by setting the necessary headers and method. May only be called for payloads * `P` that let `requiresFormDataUpload(P)` return `false`. * * @param payload The payload to wrap */export function createJsonPayload(payload: Record<string, unknown>) { return { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', connection: 'keep-alive', }, body: JSON.stringify(payload, (_, v) => v ?? undefined), }}/** * Turns a payload into an options object that can be passed to a `fetch` call * by setting the necessary headers and method. Note that this method creates a * multipart/form-data stream under the hood. If possible, a JSON payload should * be created instead for performance reasons. * * @param payload The payload to wrap */export function createFormDataPayload(payload: Record<string, unknown>) { const boundary = createBoundary()
return { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`, connection: 'keep-alive', }, body: itrToStream(payloadToMultipartItr(payload, boundary)), }}
// === Form data creationfunction createBoundary() { // Taken from Deno std lib return '----------' + randomId(32)}function randomId(length = 16) { return Array.from(Array(length)) .map(() => Math.random().toString(36)[2] || 0) .join('')}
const enc = new TextEncoder()async function* payloadToMultipartItr( payload: Record<string, unknown>, boundary = createBoundary()): AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array> { yield enc.encode(`--${boundary}\r\n`)
const separator = enc.encode(`\r\n--${boundary}\r\n`) let first = true for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(payload)) { if (!first) yield separator if (value instanceof InputFile) { // InputFile in payload if (mustAttachIndirectly(key)) { const id = randomId() yield* filePart(id, key, value) yield valuePart(key, `attach://${id}`) } else { yield* filePart(key, key, value) } } else if (isInputMedia(value)) { // InputMedia* in payload if ( instanceof InputFile) { const id = randomId() yield* filePart(id, key, = `attach://${id}` } yield valuePart(key, JSON.stringify(value)) } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { // Array in payload (elements might be InputMedia*) for (const elem of value) { if (isInputMedia(elem) && instanceof InputFile) { const id = randomId() yield* filePart(id, key, yield separator = `attach://${id}` } } yield valuePart(key, JSON.stringify(value)) } else { // other value in payload yield valuePart( key, typeof value === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(value) : value ) } first = false }
yield enc.encode(`\r\n--${boundary}--`)}
/** Turns a regular value into a `Uint8Array` */function valuePart(key: string, value: unknown): Uint8Array { return enc.encode( `content-disposition:form-data;name="${key}"\r\n\r\n${value}` )}/** Turns an InputFile into a generator of `Uint8Array`s */async function* filePart( id: string, key: string, input: InputFile): AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array> { const filename = input.filename ?? `${key}.${getExt(key)}` if (filename.includes('\r') || filename.includes('\n')) { throw new Error( `File paths cannot contain carriage-return (\\r) \or newline (\\n) characters! Filename for property '${key}' was:"""${filename}"""` ) } yield enc.encode( `content-disposition:form-data;name="${id}";filename=${filename}\r\n\r\n` ) const fileData = input[inputFileData] // handle buffers, file paths, and streams: if (fileData instanceof Uint8Array) yield fileData else if (typeof fileData === 'string') yield* await streamFile(fileData) else yield* fileData}/** Returns the default file extension for an API property name */function getExt(key: string) { switch (key) { case 'photo': return 'jpg' case 'voice': return 'ogg' case 'audio': return 'mp3' case 'animation': case 'video': case 'video_note': return 'mp4' case 'sticker': return 'webp' default: return 'dat' }}
// === Helper functions/** Fields that have to be JSON serialized in all methods */const serializationFields = new Set([ 'allowed_updates', 'reply_markup', 'options', 'commands', 'mask_position', 'results', 'prices', 'shipping_options', 'errors',])/** Fields that have to be JSON serialized only for some methods */const serializationMethodFields = new Set(['restrictChatMember:permissions'])/** Determines if a given key in a given method should be JSON-serialized */function mustSerialize(method: string, key: string) { return ( serializationFields.has(key) || serializationMethodFields.has(`${method}:${key}`) )}/** Fields that require a multipart/form-data upload via ID instead of via the property itself */const indirectAttachmentFields = new Set(['thumb'])/** Determines if a file behind a given key should be send via `attach://<id>` instead of the key itself */function mustAttachIndirectly(key: string) { return indirectAttachmentFields.has(key)}function has<K extends readonly string[]>( obj: unknown, props: K): obj is Record<K[number], unknown> { return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && props.every(p => p in obj)}const inputMediaProps = ['type', 'media'] as const/** Determines if a value is an `InputMedia` object */function isInputMedia(value: unknown): value is InputMedia { return ( has(value, inputMediaProps) && typeof value.type === 'string' && (typeof === 'string' || instanceof InputFile) )}