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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { Bot } from "../bot.ts";import { debug as d, Update } from "../platform.deno.ts";import { WebhookReplyEnvelope } from "../core/client.ts";import { Context } from "../context.ts";const debugErr = d("grammy:error");
/** * HTTP Web frameworks for which grammY provides compatible callback out of the * box. */type SupportedFrameworks = | "express" | "http" | "https" | "koa" | "oak" | "fastify" | "worktop" | "callback" | "aws-lambda";
/** * Abstraction over a request-response cycle, provding access to the update, as * well as a mechanism for responding to the request and to end it. */interface ReqResHandler { /** * The update object sent from Telegram, usually resolves the request's JSON * body */ update: Promise<Update>; /** * Ends the request immediately without body, called after every request * unless a webhook reply was performed */ end?: () => void; /** * Sends the specified JSON as a payload in the body, used for webhook * replies */ respond: (json: string) => unknown;}/** * Middleware for a web framework. Creates a request-response handler for a * request. The handler will be used to integrate with the compatible framework. */type FrameworkAdapter = (...args: any[]) => ReqResHandler;
const standard: FrameworkAdapter = (req, res) => ({ update: Promise.resolve(req.body), end: () => res.end(), respond: (json) => res.send(json),});
// Integrations with popular frameworksconst frameworkAdapters: Record<SupportedFrameworks, FrameworkAdapter> = { express: standard, http: standard, https: standard, koa: (ctx) => ({ update: Promise.resolve(ctx.request.body), end: () => (ctx.body = ""), respond: (json) => (ctx.response.body = json), }), oak: (ctx) => ({ update: ctx.request.body({ type: "json" }).value, end: () => (ctx.response.status = 200), respond: (json) => { ctx.response.type = "json"; ctx.response.body = json; }, }), fastify: (req, reply) => ({ update: Promise.resolve(req.body), end: () => reply.send({}), respond: (json) => reply.send(json), }), worktop: (req, res) => ({ update: Promise.resolve(req.body.json()), end: () => res.end(), respond: (json) => res.send(200, json), }), callback: (update, callback) => ({ update: update, respond: callback, }), "aws-lambda": (event, _context, callback) => ({ update: JSON.parse(event.body), end: () => callback(null, { statusCode: 200 }), respond: (json) => callback(null, { statusCode: 200, body: json, }), }), // please open a PR if you want to add another};
/** * Creates a callback function that you can pass to a web framework (such as * express) if you want to run your bot via webhooks. Use it like this: * ```ts * const app = express() // or whatever you're using * const bot = new Bot('<token>') * * app.use(webhookCallback(bot, 'express')) * ``` * * Confer the grammY * [documentation]( to read more * about how to run your bot with webhooks. * * @param bot The bot for which to create a callback * @param framework An optional string identifying the framework (default: 'express') * @param onTimeout An optional strategy to handle timeouts (default: 'throw') * @param timeoutMilliseconds An optional number of timeout milliseconds (default: 10_000) */export function webhookCallback<C extends Context = Context>( bot: Bot<C>, framework: SupportedFrameworks = "express", onTimeout: "throw" | "return" | ((...args: any[]) => unknown) = "throw", timeoutMilliseconds = 10_000,) { const server = frameworkAdapters[framework] ?? standard; let firstUpdate = true; let initialized = false; let initCall: Promise<void> | undefined; return async (...args: any[]) => { const { update, respond, end } = server(...args); let usedWebhookReply = false; const webhookReplyEnvelope: WebhookReplyEnvelope = { send: async (json) => { usedWebhookReply = true; await respond(json); }, }; if (!initialized) { if (firstUpdate) { initCall = bot.init(); firstUpdate = false; } await initCall; initialized = true; } await timeoutIfNecessary( bot.handleUpdate(await update, webhookReplyEnvelope), typeof onTimeout === "function" ? () => onTimeout(...args) : onTimeout, timeoutMilliseconds, ); if (end !== undefined && !usedWebhookReply) end(); };}
function timeoutIfNecessary( task: Promise<void>, onTimeout: "throw" | "return" | (() => unknown), timeout: number,): Promise<void> { if (timeout === Infinity) return task; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const handle = setTimeout(() => { if (onTimeout === "throw") { reject(new Error(`Request timed out after ${timeout} ms`)); } else { if (typeof onTimeout === "function") onTimeout(); resolve(); } const now =; task.finally(() => { const diff = - now; debugErr(`Request completed ${diff} ms after timeout!`); }); }, timeout); task.then(resolve) .catch(reject) .finally(() => clearTimeout(handle)); });}