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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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const isDeno = typeof Deno !== "undefined";
// === Needed importsimport { InputFileProxy } from "";import { basename } from "";import { iterateReader } from "";
// === Export all API typesexport * from "";
// === Export debugimport debug from "^4.3.2";export { debug };if (isDeno) { debug.useColors = () => !Deno.noColor; try { const val = Deno.env.get("DEBUG"); if (val) debug.enable(val); } catch { // cannot access env var, treat as if it is not set }}
// === Export system-specific operations// Turn an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array> into a streamexport { readableStreamFromIterable as itrToStream } from "";// Turn a file path into an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>export const streamFile = isDeno ? (path: string) => : () => { throw new Error("Reading files by path requires a Deno environment"); };
// === Base configuration for `fetch` callsexport const baseFetchConfig = {};
/** Something that looks like a URL. */interface URLLike { /** * Identifier of the resouce. Must be in a format that can be parsed by the * URL constructor. */ url: string;}
// === InputFile handling and File augmenting// Accessor for file data in `InputFile` instancesexport const inputFileData = Symbol("InputFile data");
/** * An `InputFile` wraps a number of different sources for [sending * files]( * * It corresponds to the `InputFile` type in the [Telegram Bot API * Reference]( */export class InputFile { private consumed = false; private readonly fileData: ConstructorParameters<typeof InputFile>[0]; /** * Optional name of the constructed `InputFile` instance. * * Check out the * [documenation]( * on sending files with `InputFile`. */ public readonly filename?: string; /** * Constructs an `InputFile` that can be used in the API to send files. * * @param file A path to a local file or a `Buffer` or a `ReadableStream` that specifies the file data * @param filename Optional name of the file */ constructor( file: | string | URL | URLLike | Uint8Array | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, filename?: string, ) { this.fileData = file; if (filename === undefined && typeof file === "string") { filename = basename(file); } this.filename = filename; } get [inputFileData]() { if (this.consumed) { throw new Error("Cannot reuse InputFile data source!"); } let data = this.fileData; if ( typeof data === "object" && ("url" in data || data instanceof URL) ) { data = fetchFile(data instanceof URL ? data : data.url); } else if ( typeof data !== "string" && (!(data instanceof Uint8Array)) ) { this.consumed = false; } return data; }}
async function* fetchFile(url: string | URL): AsyncIterable<Uint8Array> { const { body } = await fetch(url); if (body === null) { throw new Error( `Download failed, no response body from '${url}'`, ); } yield* body;}
// === Export InputFile typestype GrammyTypes = InputFileProxy<InputFile>;
/** Wrapper type to bundle all methods of the Telegram API */export type Telegram = GrammyTypes["Telegram"];
/** Utility type providing the argument type for the given method name or `{}` if the method does not take any parameters */export type Opts<M extends keyof GrammyTypes["Telegram"]> = GrammyTypes["Opts"][M];
/** This object represents the content of a media message to be sent. It should be one of- InputMediaAnimation- InputMediaDocument- InputMediaAudio- InputMediaPhoto- InputMediaVideo */export type InputMedia = GrammyTypes["InputMedia"];/** Represents a photo to be sent. */export type InputMediaPhoto = GrammyTypes["InputMediaPhoto"];/** Represents a video to be sent. */export type InputMediaVideo = GrammyTypes["InputMediaVideo"];/** Represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound) to be sent. */export type InputMediaAnimation = GrammyTypes["InputMediaAnimation"];/** Represents an audio file to be treated as music to be sent. */export type InputMediaAudio = GrammyTypes["InputMediaAudio"];/** Represents a general file to be sent. */export type InputMediaDocument = GrammyTypes["InputMediaDocument"];