123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { type Bot } from "../bot.ts";import { debug as d, type Update } from "../platform.deno.ts";import { type WebhookReplyEnvelope } from "../core/client.ts";import { type Context } from "../context.ts";import { adapters as nativeAdapters, defaultAdapter,} from "./frameworks.deno.ts";const debugErr = d("grammy:error");
const callbackAdapter: FrameworkAdapter = ( update: Update, callback: (json: string) => unknown, header: string, unauthorized = () => callback('"unauthorized"'),) => ({ update: Promise.resolve(update), respond: callback, header, unauthorized,});const adapters = { ...nativeAdapters, callback: callbackAdapter };
/** * HTTP Web frameworks for which grammY provides compatible callback out of the * box. */type SupportedFrameworks = keyof typeof adapters;
/** * Abstraction over a request-response cycle, provding access to the update, as * well as a mechanism for responding to the request and to end it. */interface ReqResHandler { /** * The update object sent from Telegram, usually resolves the request's JSON * body */ update: Promise<Update>; /** * X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token header of the request, or undefined if * not present */ header?: string; /** * Ends the request immediately without body, called after every request * unless a webhook reply was performed */ end?: () => void; /** * Sends the specified JSON as a payload in the body, used for webhook * replies */ respond: (json: string) => unknown | Promise<unknown>; /** * Responds that the request is unauthorized due to mismatching * X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token headers */ unauthorized: () => unknown | Promise<unknown>; /** * Some frameworks (e.g. Deno's std/http `listenAndServe`) assume that * handler returns something */ handlerReturn?: any;}/** * Middleware for a web framework. Creates a request-response handler for a * request. The handler will be used to integrate with the compatible framework. */export type FrameworkAdapter = (...args: any[]) => ReqResHandler;
export interface WebhookOptions { /** An optional strategy to handle timeouts (default: 'throw') */ onTimeout?: "throw" | "return" | ((...args: any[]) => unknown); /** An optional number of timeout milliseconds (default: 10_000) */ timeoutMilliseconds?: number; /** An optional string to compare to X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token */ secretToken?: string;}
/** * Creates a callback function that you can pass to a web framework (such as * express) if you want to run your bot via webhooks. Use it like this: * ```ts * const app = express() // or whatever you're using * const bot = new Bot('<token>') * * app.use(webhookCallback(bot, 'express')) * ``` * * Confer the grammY * [documentation](https://grammy.dev/guide/deployment-types.html) to read more * about how to run your bot with webhooks. * * @param bot The bot for which to create a callback * @param adapter An optional string identifying the framework (default: 'express') * @param onTimeout An optional strategy to handle timeouts (default: 'throw') * @param timeoutMilliseconds An optional number of timeout milliseconds (default: 10_000) */export function webhookCallback<C extends Context = Context>( bot: Bot<C>, adapter?: SupportedFrameworks | FrameworkAdapter, onTimeout?: WebhookOptions["onTimeout"], timeoutMilliseconds?: WebhookOptions["timeoutMilliseconds"], secretToken?: WebhookOptions["secretToken"],): (...args: any[]) => any;export function webhookCallback<C extends Context = Context>( bot: Bot<C>, adapter?: SupportedFrameworks | FrameworkAdapter, webhookOptions?: WebhookOptions,): (...args: any[]) => any;export function webhookCallback<C extends Context = Context>( bot: Bot<C>, adapter: SupportedFrameworks | FrameworkAdapter = defaultAdapter, onTimeout: | WebhookOptions | WebhookOptions["onTimeout"] = "throw", timeoutMilliseconds: WebhookOptions["timeoutMilliseconds"] = 10_000, secretToken?: WebhookOptions["secretToken"],) { const { onTimeout: timeout = "throw", timeoutMilliseconds: ms = 10_000, secretToken: token, } = typeof onTimeout === "object" ? onTimeout : { onTimeout, timeoutMilliseconds, secretToken }; let initialized = false; const server: FrameworkAdapter = typeof adapter === "string" ? adapters[adapter] : adapter; return async (...args: any[]) => { if (!initialized) { // Will dedupe concurrently incoming calls from several updates await bot.init(); initialized = true; } const { update, respond, unauthorized, end, handlerReturn, header } = server(...args); if (header !== token) { await unauthorized(); // TODO: investigate deno bug that happens when this console logging is removed console.log(handlerReturn); return handlerReturn; } let usedWebhookReply = false; const webhookReplyEnvelope: WebhookReplyEnvelope = { async send(json) { usedWebhookReply = true; await respond(json); }, }; await timeoutIfNecessary( bot.handleUpdate(await update, webhookReplyEnvelope), typeof timeout === "function" ? () => timeout(...args) : timeout, ms, ); if (!usedWebhookReply) end?.(); return handlerReturn; };}
function timeoutIfNecessary( task: Promise<void>, onTimeout: "throw" | "return" | (() => unknown), timeout: number,): Promise<void> { if (timeout === Infinity) return task; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const handle = setTimeout(() => { if (onTimeout === "throw") { reject(new Error(`Request timed out after ${timeout} ms`)); } else { if (typeof onTimeout === "function") onTimeout(); resolve(); } const now = Date.now(); task.finally(() => { const diff = Date.now() - now; debugErr(`Request completed ${diff} ms after timeout!`); }); }, timeout); task.then(resolve) .catch(reject) .finally(() => clearTimeout(handle)); });}